Shabbat 3/10/2018
/Shabbat Shalom!
We had an awesome service last week as we welcomed Calev Myers of Jerusalem Institute of Justice to Or Chaim. He shared of exciting initiatives in Israel, as we were encouraged to embrace and pray into God’s purposes for that land and It's people. What a great seguay it was into the story of Purim, and how God delivered His people in the midst of the rabid anti-semitism of Haman and the God-haters!
This Shabbat, March 10th, at 10:30, we will get back into the book of Romans. Chapter 10 is an amazing explanation of the righteousness that we have by trusting Yeshua! We will explore this challenging passage and land on an incredible statement, “Messiah is the goal of Torah”. Following the service, we will be having a special guest at our Oneg, at 1pm. Boaz Meir, the Mountain States Director of Jewish National Fund (JNF), will share with us some exciting things that they are accomplishing in the land of Israel. JNF is one of the oldest Zionist organizations in the world, deeply involved in water and irrigation projects, and building and staffing medical clinics and schools in the Galilee and the Negev regions of Israel. They will be sharing with our congregation ways we can partner with them! PLEASE INVITE FRIENDS AND FAMILY TO THIS SPECIAL SERVICE! ALSO, BRING A DISH OF YOUR FAVORITE FOOD (KOSHER APPROPRIATE), TO SHARE WITH US!
Passover tickets are on sale for our Seder to be held on Saturday, March 31st, from 4pm -8pm. They are going fast, so get them now before we run out of room! The price is only $30/adult, and $15/child, for a beautiful program of story, music, dance, and a delicious catered meal! These are “Appointed Times” (Moadim), that The Lord calls us together as a community to remember how He has delivered His people, and that He STILL breaks the power of the bondage of slavery in our lives today! It is a great opportunity to invite your neighbors and friends who maybe have never experienced a traditional, and Biblical Feast of The Lord, especially as they will see Yeshua all through it!
We look forward to seeing all of you this Shabbat, and we will continue to share about our Bless Israel journey that we recently returned from!
Blessing and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie
PS...note from’s this precious man’s 65th Birthday! I’m so happy he was born...aren’t you?