Or Chaim Congregation

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Shabbat June 2, 2018

Shabbat Shalom!

Millie and I have been at our annual Tikkun network leadership conference outside of Baltimore. It has been a great time of re-connecting with friends from around the country and Israel! Dan Juster, founder of Tikkun had a wonderful teaching on Social Justice and the next generation, and the challenges of proclaiming that true Justice is in Kingdom principles.  Asher Intrader and Ron Cantor, as well as others from Israel shared about exciting things happening in the body of Believers as well as the nation, during this 70th year celebration of modern Israel! We had a little free time yesterday so toured the Naval Academy at Annapolis. For those of you that don’t know I was in the US Navy so this visit was nostalgic for me.

I want to encourage all of you to come to our Shabbat service, June 2nd at 10:30am, as our elder Russ Crider, will be sharing a message that Abba has put on his heart. This man has an incredibly huge heart of love for our congregation, and all of us have been blessed by him and Siri’s care for Or Chaim! There will be Oneg after the service. After Service GOMZ will be holding a seminar in the sanctuary so plan on leaving through the fellowship hall doors downstairs.

Just a reminder, this Sunday at 6pm, we have the opportunity to pray for our city as part of the 1CHURCH initiative. We want to see the RUACH move in our city, and nation to the degree that transformation comes and the body comes into a John 17 unity!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie