Shabbat 5/26/2018
/Shabbat Shalom!What a great time we had las week as we celebrated Shavuot! The Rabbi’s Son, Bill Bullock was with us all day on Shabbat and blessed us with an incredible teaching on the ministry of the Ruach HaKodesh, and the transformation that He brings into our lives. On Sunday, several congregations met at Central Park for a time of worship, fellowship, and encouragement in the Word. What a powerful and meaningful time for the community of Believers as we joined as One, different in style, appearance, and emphasis but yet committed to ONE NEW HUMANITY, JEW AND GENTILE TOGETHER! Tonight, Friday 5/25 Daniel David the awesome anointed violinist will be at ROEH ISRAEL. Burt Yellin has invited us all to join them for a concert at 7pm.
This Shabbat, May 26th, we will be continuing our in-debth study of Romans by dealving into chapter 12, and exploring the marks of a “Counter-Cultural believer”, in the midst of a culture that embraces the darkness. YES, WE WILL BE HAVING A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRINGA DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP!
I want to encourage you, as we look upon an increasingly dangerous and turbulent world, where age-old prophesy is coming to pass amidst unprecedented hatred and polarization, to not lose hope in who our Covenant keeping, Faithful “Exodus 34:6-7" Loving Father really is! Whatever you may be going through today, He is “THE I AM WHO I AM” to you in this very moment. Our job? Believe who He is. Walk humbly, forgiving those who wrong you, and bless those who come against you! This is never easy, but it is the way of The Holy One, and He empowers us through His grace to walk it out. In line with this admonition, I want to encourage you to be faithful to our gatherings, others need to hear what Father is doing in your life, and you need to hear from them! Last week, our brother Tom suffered a stroke, we prayed as a community for a miracle, and God restored him amazingly, to the point that he was back on his tractor on Monday! This is what “family” is all about!
We look forward to seeing you all this Shabbat!
Blessings and Shalom!
Stewart and Millie