Shabbat 7/7/18
/Shabbat Shalom!
Hope everyone had a great Independence Day! Of course, we know that it is more than BBQ’s and fireworks, but a day to remember and reflect upon the freedom we have in this nation. I have travelled to about 40 nations and lived for extended periods in several of them, and I know for a fact that the USA, with all it’s problems is still a nation that is incredibly blessed by God! Liberty is never without cost, and in the same way the liberty we experience in Yeshua is also something that we have to guard, nurture, reflect upon, and give thanks for so as not to lose. We want to encourage you to celebrate your liberty at this season, and also come alongside others and help them walk in that liberty that only comes in relationship with Yeshua HaMessiach! This Shabbat, July 7th, I will be continuing on this theme of liberty/freedom with a message entitled “GIVE YOUR LIFE AWAY!”, as we continue on our journey through Romans, in chapter 15. THERE WILL BE A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE, AND ENJOY THE FELLOWSHIP!
Just a reminder, next Shabbat, July 14th, Dan and Patti Juster of Tikkun International will be with us during our morning service. He has authored many books and is one of the foremost theologians in the Messianic Jewish world! Also, on July 28th, Paul Wilbur, prophetic Songwriter/Psalmist known around the world will be with us! You don’t want to miss these upcoming events, and you certainly want to invite your friends to these special times of impartation!
We have had some new folks come to Or Chaim over the last weeks, so we want to encourage you to meet them, introduce yourselves, and have a meal and get to know them! We want to be a community that is known for the genuine love it has for each other, and one that reaches out to welcome visitors, some of whom have just moved into the area. Can’t wait to see you all this Shabbat!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie