Shabbat and Succoth Weekend 10/12-13

Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach!

This has been an especially meaningful and powerful moadim (appointed times) we have been observing this year. As we began the month of Elul, at the first of September, Father encouraged us to rend our hearts and repent, fast and intensely seek Him for our individual lives, family and our Congregation. With the arrival of Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur, The Lord visited us in wonderful ways, and there was much repentance and re-alignment according to His covenantal love and holiness! As we approach Succoth, I am encouraged that we have embarked on a journey into a deeper impartation of His Presence in our lives and corporate gatherings! As He becomes our first love again and we get rid of “false lovers” in our hearts, there will be much fruit and a great harvest for the kingdom! This Shabbat, October 12th, the Lord has put on my heart a message that has guided me for a long time, and something that is appropriate for Succoth, WHAT NEEDS TO TAKE PLACE FOR YESHUA’S RETURN? This is an important and timely message and we hope to see you on the mountain! BECAUSE OF THE SEASON OF THE HIGH HOLIDAYS, AND THE SPECIAL SERVICES AND EVENTS THAVE BEEN AND WILL BE TAKING PLACE, WE WILL NOT BE HAVING ONEG THIS SHABBAT!


This Sunday October 13th at 5:30pm we will be gathering on the mountain WITH OUR FRIENDS FROM GOMZ and put up a succah, and enjoy this special holiday and final harvest celebrating God’s dwelling with His people! We will worship as ONE NEW MAN IN MESSIAH, wave the lulav and the etrog, and decorate the succah together and have a joyous time! PLEASE BRING APPROPRIATE FOLIAGE AND DECORATIONS, INCLUDING EVERGREEN BOUGHS AND HOMEMADE ORNAMENTS, FRUIT CLUSTERS ETC! WE WILL START SET-UP BETWEEN 5-5:30PM AND BEGIN OUR SERVICE AT 6:30PM! ALL ARE INVITED AND THIS IS A FAMILY EVENT SO BRING THE KIDS AND SOME SNACKS FOR FELLOWSHIP AFTERWARDS!

We look forward to seeing you this weekend!

Blessings and Chag Sameach!

Stewart and Millie

166 S Lookout Mountain Rd

Golden CO 80401
