Shabbat Shalom 5/25/2019
/Shabbat Shalom!
This weekend is Memorial Day, a day in which our nation remembers those who paid the ultimate price so that we can enjoy the freedom that we have today. As we have learned, freedom is not automatic or passive but requires diligence and sacrifice because it can be eaten away by apathy, intolerance, anti-semitism and other things slowly over time. Then, one day you realize things are different and freedom is threatened! Galatians 5:1 says, “It was for freedom that Messiah set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject to a yoke of slavery.” I want to encourage all of us who know our Messiah, to remember where He has brought us out from and to stand in the midst of His love and grace with thanksgiving and a fresh commitment to walk in His truth and His ways!
This Shabbat, May 25th, we will be continuing on our journey into discovering the ANCIENT SECRETS by exploring the fact that WE NEED WISDOM!! It is not just about saying something that everyone will go, “wow, that was wise”, but actually looking at the connection between wisdom and the “exceedingly great power of God". The Prophets speak about an outpouring of wisdom in the end days, so let’s tap into it now!
Remember Shavuot will be coming up in a few weeks and there are some wonderful opportunities to celebrate this Feast Of The Lord this year!
on Friday evening, June 7th, we have been asked to participate with 10DAYS TOGETHER at Resurrection Anglican Church in Greenwood Village and usher in the Shabbat by leading worship and a Torah service! It will be a wonderful time of joining together to pray for His body and this nation and Israel!
On Saturday, June 8th, THE RABBI’S SON BILL BULLOCKwill be with us all day and you do not want to miss this incredible teacher of God’s Word...invite a friend! In the evening we will be joining together with Roeh Israel Congregation in Denver for a night of worship and praise!
On Sunday, June 9th, from 10am till 2pm we will gather for SHAVUOT AT CENTRAL PARK where we will be joining with several Congregations for fun, worship, food and encouragement together and I will be speaking. Come join us with your families as we support this local joint effort of Unity. That evening we will have a prayer gathering called PASSING THE TORCH where we at OCC will be joining with Gateway On Mt. Zion to pray for one another “ONE ACCORD” for our congregations and the efforts of unity in the city by releasing prayers, declarations and blessings to one another while passing the torch! This will be a 24 hour time of prayer, starting at 8:30 pm Sunday night, and going till 8:30pm on Monday. PLEASE SIGN UP FOR 1 HOUR SLOTS SO THAT WE CAN PASS THE TORCH FROM HOUR TO HOUR!
As you can see, there are many exciting things coming up! Also we have weekly Torah Club and Biblical Hebrew classes, so I want to encourage you to pray and ask what you are to be involved in. These are days of great trials and testings, and it is imperative that we be in His word, carrying His light in a dark world!
Blessing and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie