Shabbat June 29/2019
/Shabbat Shalom!This is going to be a very special Shabbat at Or Chaim. We will have two Jewish women of extraordinary faith sharing their lives with us, and I know that you will be uplifted and encouraged! We were recently introduced to Sarah Moses, a neighbor of our own Jan Rubin. She survived two Nazi death camps, including the same camp that Ann Frank died in. She has an amazing testimony of God’s grace and love that you will not want to miss! We will also be welcoming again Sally Klein O'Connor, who has been singing and ministering to the Lord for many years. She and her husband Michael began IMPROBABLE PEOPLE MINISTRIES many years ago and have travelled around the world sharing in song and testimony of the amazing love and redemption in the Lord, especially for the wounded and hurting. Sally has had the privilege of singing in some of the most notorious places on earth, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Treblinka, Bergen-Belsen, and Dachau “raising her voice in worship and prayer to declare the unfailing, unending mercies of God!” You will not want to miss this Shabbat, and please invite others to hear these incredible and beautiful women of God! WE WILL FOLLOW THE SERVICE WITH A POT-BLESS ONEG, SO PLEASE BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR SOME WONDERFUL FELLOWSHIP!
On Sunday, July 7th from 11am-5pm, we will be having our Or Chaim Congregation family picnic and outreach at Lions Park in Golden! It will be a time of fellowship, dancing, music, and of course food! We will be meeting at the east pavilion, where we will grill burgers and kosher hot dogs provided by the congregation, so all you need to do is bring a side such as a salad, beans, chips and dip or a dessert. We will be having Messianic dance, acoustic music and hopefully some opportunity to share about the Yeshua we love so much with those that don’t know who He is. A musician and good friend of ours the ME Avner Boskey will be joining with us so there will be some great “jamming” between Lynne, William and bring a guitar or tambourine if you have one flags and shofar welcome too! The address for Lions Park is 1300 10th Street, Golden, 80401, Also you may want to bring a volleyball or a soccer ball and some games for the kids, it really is a nice park and very family friendly!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie