Shabbat Shalom 9/7/19 and Feasts Info
/Shabbat Shalom!
We have entered the Biblical month of Elul the last month on the Hebrew calendar and a month of preparation and rending our hearts with the approach of the Fall Feast days! The sound of the shofar is heard, many Jews set aside days to fast and there is an increased expectation of the King’s arrival. The message is clear: get ready; repent; and expect not just visitation, but a manifest habitation of His very presence! The world is not getting more peaceful, the nations have not stopped their roaring against The Holy One, but as we set our minds, hearts and souls on things above, we will see kingdom things happen here on earth!
This Shabbat, September 7th, I will be sharing about something very mis-understood in the Body, THE REALMS OF ANOINTING. When we engage our faith, we allow His divine enablement (the anointing) to accomplish His purposes for our families, communities, businesses, schools, and yes, even the nations. This is an important series for our congregation, and I would encourage all to come to the service, or at least listen to the audio on our website!
Also, this Shabbat at the Oneg, Pastor Dwayne Burris of Gateway on Mt. Zion wants to meet with our security team and those interested in this important issue, to go over some practical matters.
Hebrew Study and Torah Club as always are being offered!
UPCOMING EVENTS: Next Saturday, September 14th we will be having our monthly HAVDALAH FELLOWSHIP EVENING at the Westendorf’s farm, 1029 S. Bonnie Lane, Watkins, 80137, at 5:30pm! Bring a hot dish, a salad, or a dessert and some old shoes so you can tromp around the farm and feed the chickens, horses, and cows! These are wonderful evenings of food, fellowship, worship, and a closing out of the Shabbat, and a lot of fun! WE WILL NOT HAVE ONEG ON THAT DAY AFTER THE SERVICE.
FALL FEASTS: We will be having special services at Or Chaim to observe and celebrate the Appointed Times!
YOM TERUAH (ROSH HASHANA): SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29TH AT 6:30PM@GOMZ; bring your shofar as we celebrate this Biblical festival, announcing the imminent arrival of the King, and the New year 5780!
YOM KIPPUR (DAY OF ATONEMENT), KOL NIDRE SERVICE: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8TH AT 7PM@GOMZ; The Holiest day of the year as we corporately repent of our sins and recognize Yeshua as our Great High Priest, whose shed blood made it possible for us to enter into His Presence!
YOM KIPPUR BREAK FAST: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9TH; as we close out the Biblically mandated fast, we will gather together to break bread together! FOR THIS EVENT, WE WILL LET YOU KNOW THE TIME AND PLACE.
EREV SUKkOTH (FEAST OF BOOTHS): SUNDAY, 0CTOBER 13TH AT 6:30PM@GOMZ; special time of rejoicing and worship in the Sukkah! Come on out and decorate and enjoy as we thank our King for an abundant harvest!
We also have five rooms reserved at Snow Mountain Ranch at the YMCA in a joint effort of unity to gather with the Lighthouse and Shema Congregations for two nights 10/18 & 19 meals included. If interested see Millie for reservation and payment.
As you can see, there are many things coming up at Or Chaim, including women’s and men’s retreats on the last weekend of September! This is an exciting time of the year, so let’s pray that it will be a sweet time of impartation, visitation, and habitation!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie
166 S Lookout Mountain Road
Golden CO 80401