Shabbat 2020 Jan 4

Shabbat Shalom!
The Secular New Year is here, the holidays are behind us, family visits and too much food are fond memories and now a whole new 2020 is waiting for us to charge into! You’ll hear many “prophetic” words telling us what will and must happen, some are right from God’s heart, others, well … you know they may be very eloquent but if not from the throne room of heaven will inevitably flop! Millie and I have been praying for this upcoming year and sense that things that Father has spoken to you over the years will come into greater focus in 2020 (perfect vision!). For Or Chaim Congregation, we will take His love more boldly into a city, nation, and the nations with a greater passion than ever before. Families that have been fractured and wounded by past offenses will be healed and sons and daughters who have wandered into the darkness will have life-changing encounters with the author and light of life! I urge all of us to not give up or give in to complacency but press into greater levels of prayer and ruthless trust as we see the season of His return grows nearer each year!

This Shabbat, January 4th, I will be sharing a message that I have wanted to share for several weeks! We will return to the theme of A JOURNEY BACK TO BIBLICAL ROOTS. We will explore THE NATURE OF GOD IN THE TANACH, and understand an eternal truth that God never changes! There are some ancient heresies that are weaseling their way back into the body of Messiah that we need to resist and counter by embracing the unchanging nature of our loving Father in the turbulent days ahead. As we have seen through history, we have an enemy that wants to ‘steal, kill, and destroy’ and he has reared his ugly head by using the same old lies he has always used. Also, we have seen just in the last few days a rise of anti-semitism and hatred toward our people. The message too us is: be firm in our faith, be bold in our witness, and be loving to those around us!

We so look forward to seeing you all this Shabbat! Unfortunately, because of the most recent snowstorm, we had to cancel our service last week. Yes, WE WILL BE HAVING A POT-BLESS ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR THE FELLOWSHIP! Happy New Year Mishpocha!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie
