Shabbat Feb 22,2020
/Shabbat Shalom! This has been a wonderful and jam-packed week, as Millie and I, along with the Larsen’s and the Rich’s attended the First Fruits of Zion conference in Orlando. It was entitled “MALCHUT 2020”, the term refers to “Kingdom”, and included revelationary teaching on the Kingdom of God and how we are to understand it and proclaim it in the world we live in. I was asked to bring a short report of our work into the Federal Correctional Institute in Lakewood. What an honor that night when me and Millie and Dr. Helene Dalaire whose vision this was, were presented with the Outreach Achievement award that evening! We all had a wonderful time of fellowship with Torah Club folks from literally all over the world! This Shabbat, February 22nd, we will be continuing our study of our Biblical roots with a message entitled THE WORK OF THE CROSS IN THE TANACH. There is so much confusion and mis-information about the most transformational event in world history! We will walk through key passages in Isaiah 52-53, and see that what was prophesied hundreds years before Yeshua was not just so that we “can go to heaven!” I checked the weather and it’s going to be a beautiful day on the mountain! WE WILL HAVE A POT-BLESS ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR GREAT FELLOWSHIP. Passover is coming up on Wednesday April 8th! We will be celebrating our Seder this year at the Embassy Suites at Interstate 70 and Havana! Tickets are on sale now, so you can go to our Or Chaim website and purchase your tickets.This will be an incredible evening as we recount the amazing story of redemption of the Jewish people from Egypt. Also, we will enjoy a great meal and of course all are invited to this community event. We encourage you to get your tickets early as they usually sell out and tickets will not be available the night of the Seder. This Shabbat, we will be having our Hebrew class at 9am. Following our Oneg, David and Laura will be teaching Messianic dance and all are welcome to this. At 3pm, Torah Club will be held downstairs in the fellowship room. Ladies...CMWF QUARTERLY GATHERING March 1, 1-4 pm Sunday at Koelbel Library. Bring snack food to share! Blessings and Shabbat Shalom! Stewart and Millie 166 S Lookout Mtn Rd Golden CO 80401