Shabbat Leap Year 2/29/2020
Shabbat Shalom!We are officially entering a busy time as the Biblical calendar goes! Next week Purim starts, and we are already beginning to plan our Passover Seder. God is doing exciting things and the Kingdom is advancing, and at the same time forces of darkness are coming against us with fear of pandemics and anxiety about global markets and socialism. I find much comfort in the words of our Yeshua who said “Do not let your heart be troubled. Trust in God; TRUST ALSO IN ME.” This Shabbat, February 29th, I will be sharing the second part of a message on THE CROSS IN THE TANAKH, as we focus in on what was prophesied and fulfilled in the lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world! WE WILL HAVE A POT-BLESS ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP. Remember, Hebrew study is at 9am and Torah Club will be at 3pm, with Messianic dance right after the meal. You can see that Shabbat is a full day on the mountain!This Sunday, March 1st, the Colorado Messianic Women’s Fellowship will be having their quarterly gathering at the Koelbel Library, 5955 S. Holly St. Centennial 80121 between 1-4pm. All you ladies are invited, and this is a great opportunity to invite your friends and family to this special time of worship and encouragement! Our own Millie Lieberman will be sharing a wonderful and uplifting message!This Friday evening at 7pm at Church In the City/Beth Abraham we will be joining together with leaders and intercessors and lovers of God for the DENVER PRAYER AND IGNITE EVENT!Tim and Sandy Ravan will be special guests this evening and this is what they say about this event, “We believe God is taking His Church away from reactionary prayer to an even more effective place of praying into future events and strategic moves before they happen.” I believe that prayer and unity in the body of Messiah are crucial to see His purposes on planet Earth fulfilled in our lifetime! All are welcome to this special event so come on out and join with us.As mentioned, we are already in the midst of planning for our annual Passover Seder that will be taking place on Wednesday April 8th at 6:30pm! This year we will be having it at the Embassy Suites, 4444 North Havana Streetin the Stapleton neighborhood, just off Interstate 70. You can purchase tickets by going on the Or Chaim website and follow the promptings. If you don’t feel comfortable in buying tickets in this way, just contact Siri Crider to work out payment. This is going to be a wonderful evening of recounting the amazing Exodus of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt, and celebrating the Passover Lamb as He delivered us from slavery from sin! This is a family event, so bring the children and also folks who have never experienced a Seder before! We will be served a wonderful meal, and will also enjoy great worship. We do want to encourage you to get tickets early as this annual event tends to sell out and seating is limited!Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!Stewart and Millie166 S Lookout Mtn RdGolden CO 80401