Shavuot 2020 Bill Bullock
That may seem like a mouthful, but it is the traditional blessing to say to one another at Shavuot (Pentecost)! We have entered into the Biblical season where we celebrate the giving of the 10 Commandments at Mt. Sinai and the outpouring of the Ruach HaKodesh in Jerusalem. A wonderful Mo’ed (appointed time) where God says “Come away with me, I want to reveal more of Me to you so you can represent me more accurately to the rest of creation.” Of course that is my paraphrase, but I believe it reflects His desire that we would walk in His ways which leads to life (walking out Torah), and to be empowered by His Spirit so we can represent Him and His kingdom (Outpouring of His Spirit)! What a season this has been since Passover (even before), where we have cried out for His direction, healing and His presence in the midst of extraordinary circumstances. I strongly sense that this new place we are is a place of great release, advancement of His kingdom and an urgency to share the Good News to a dark world!
This Shabbat, we will be celebrating the special feast with The Rabbi’s Son Bill Bullock! He is a wonderful friend of Or Chaim and always brings a passionate call to intimacy and consecration that provokes us but also encourages our hearts that are crying out for more of His presence! We would encourage you to invite your friends to hear Bill and he will also be sharing an afternoon session. After the morning service, we ask that you either bring a picnic type lunch as there are plenty of tables outside, or there are a few restaurants close by in Genesee and Bergen Park/Evergreen that you can get a quick bite and make it back for the afternoon session. WE WILL NOT HAVE AN ONEG IN THE FELLOWSHIP ROOM! Also, the sanctuary is set up in a way that we can safely adhere to “social distancing” but it will require all of us to be responsible to make it work! You will notice that every other row of seats has red tape on the back, PLEASE DO NOT SIT IN THESE SEATS. Please avoid congregating in groups, and around the entrance to the building and avoid hugging (I know it is difficult!). Use only the upstairs restroom and wash your hands and use sanitizer that is provided! Face masks are recommended but not required. Believe me, I am not a big “rules” guy, BUT I DO ASK THAT WE BE MINDFUL AND CONSIDERATE OF ONE ANOTHER AT THIS TIME WHEN WE MAY HAVE DIFFERENT UNDERSTANDINGS AND PREFERENCES. Let us show love and deference to one another without judgment or criticism, because WE WILL EXEMPLFY A CULTURE OF HONOR WHEN WE DO IT!
We want to encourage you to sign up on our Or Chaim Youtube link! If we have 100 subscribers we can have our own designated channel! One positive outcome of the Covid 19 crisis has been that we have been able to get the message of the Kingdom and One New Man that we proclaim at Or Chaim farther than the four walls of our sanctuary on the mountain! We look forward to seeing you this Shabbat!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie
(Please subscribe! This will help us customize this link eventually)
Bill Bullock “The Rabbi’sSon”