Shabbat July 25, 2020

Shabbat Shalom!

As many of you, I have watched for too many weeks the almost absolute breakdown of civility and order in our nation. It has led me to my knees and I guess that is a good thing! I love this country even with its imperfections, have served it in uniform and would do it again if this old body would let it, and I am one of its biggest apologist! God sent Millie and I out from Israel to Denver almost 12 years ago and He has given me a love for this city. There is a Biblical mandate to pray for the city we are living in: “ALSO SEEK THE SHALOM OF THE CITY WHERE I TOOK YOU AS CAPTIVES IN EXILE, AND PRAY TO ADONAI FOR IT - FOR IN ITS SHALOM WILL YOU HAVE SHALOM.” (JEREMIAH 29:7). As I was praying for this city the other day about the most recent insanity, complaining to Father about the evil that is overtaking this city, He broke through my whining and spoke to me, “What are YOU going to do?” I knew the answer right away: I got in my car and drove downtown and prayed at the capitol for HIS Shalom to rule and reign in this city! I saw a place that has been overtaken by filth, plastered with horrific graffiti and boarded up broken windows and has become a homeless encampment for people devoid of direction. We have the answer and His name is Yeshua!

So, what does this have to do with us at Or Chaim? I am going to go back to the streets as we used to do. Join me on Monday evenings for the rest of summer and we want to pray for His Shalom and bless this city and nation that is being cursed from the Statehouse! I will be meeting on the west side of the capitol building at 6pm. This is not about confrontation or debate or provocation. There is no agenda but to pray and if the Lord would lead us to pray for folks, so be it. I will be bringing some snacks to hand out and plan on prayer walking through the homeless encampment across the street from the capitol. Come on out and let’s make a difference in the Spiritual atmosphere!

The Presence of The Lord has been powerful in our midst! Last Shabbat we welcomed Ted Pearce to lead us in worship and Father brought us to a place of deep intercession and groaning for our nation. This Shabbat, July 25th, we are looking forward to a Spirit-led meeting with the King of the whole world and are excited about what He will impart into us! Again we want to remind you of the Jeffco requirements for our meeting: If you are sick or have a fever, please stay home; masks are required in public places, so wear them when you arrive on the mountain! If you are able to maintain social distancing once in the sanctuary, you may remove face coverings; please refrain from hugging and close contact unless you wear your mask or are a family member! Most importantly, show love to each other and be respectful of each other! I DO NOT want to control anybody’s behavior, please be wise and self-regulate your own behavior.

We are looking forward to seeing you on Shabbat and serving the Lord on this ordained day from the Mountain!


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Blessings and Shalom!

Stewart and Millie
