Shabbat Aug 1, 2020
Shabbat Shalom! There is a portion of scripture that I keep on coming back to in these days: In Daniel 7:25 it says “… and will continually HARASS the Saints of the Most High”, and I believe it is referring to an ugly, anti-Messiah spirit in the world today that is wearing down and laying siege to so many followers of Yeshua. People who are trusting God in every way are seeing their finances wither away, their businesses being threatened, and even families and best friends are being divided by mask/no mask requirements. If I observe things from a strictly natural or earthly perspective, it would be incredibly depressing and even hopeless, but I choose to see things from a Biblical world-view through the lens of faith and truth because it is based on His covenantal purposes which will not be thwarted! It requires us to daily (actually hourly!) choose to “keep seeking the things above, where Messiah is … focus your mind on things above, not on things on the earth!” Keeping our eyes fixed on Him the One who was and is and is to come and is the author and finisher of our faith! This is not denial or naivety but a lifestyle we are called to live! I choose to believe that Father is using this “crisis” to refine His Bride, to re-focus us on His Kingdom purposes, and to prepare us for an End Days outpouring of incredible things, both miraculous and terrifying, at the same time! This Shabbat, August 1st, I will be continuing my series on God’s Times with a further look at DEVELOPING WARRING FAITH:REDEEMING TIME AND RE-CONNECTING. I am excited about this message and believe it will be incredibly important, will bring hope and be very applicable to our lives. At this point, we are not able to re-start our Oneg but want to encourage you to hang with each other after the service, bring a picnic lunch and gather outside around the picnic tables! Weather permitting, it is an awesome place to enjoy the surroundings, catch up with one another and still maintain your social distancing! Let’s continue to show love to one another by observing the requirements that we have been putting out: stay home if sick or have fever (watch on live-stream!); wear masks when arriving and leaving. Once inside extend love to one another by respecting each other’s personal space. We have provided enough room for social distancing.
Remember, Paul Wilbur will be with us on the weekend of August 15th! He will be with us on that Shabbat morning and will be at Gateway on Mount Zion on Saturday night at 6:30 pm and Sunday, August 16th at 10 am! We love when Paul comes, not just because he is such an incredible worshipper and Psalmist, but also because of the love he carries and the prophetic mantle he wears! Invite your friends and neighbors to this special time, and especially your Jewish friends to this amazing time on the mountain.Be encouraged In Him! Let’s bless him with an amazing love offering since we are one of his first visits since COVID-19. Shalom and Blessing,
Stewart and Millie
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George and Baht Rivka from Israel and Friends will be worshipping and praying over Colorado on the capitol steps this Saturday from 4-7pm. They would love to have as many of us as possible join them in tearing down strongholds over our city and nation at this crucial hour in history. More info on what they are doing is at