Shabbat 9/12/2020
Shabbat Shalom!
I know, you’re all getting tired of hearing this amazing news of this week, it went from the mid-90s on Monday to 6 inches of snow (at our house) on Tuesday! Well, after all, this is 2020 in Colorado and if we’ve learned anything, we have learned that this is a year that the surprises just keep on coming! I also see a prophetic picture: we had been choking in heat and smoke from wild fires for weeks, and then a cleansing wind brings much needed moisture that washes away the staleness and brings a whole new atmosphere. In this year of “suddenlies”, let me put a challenge out to you, believe that God can change that impossibility in your life because He majors in miracles!
Today as I write this I am reminded of the events of 19 years ago when terrorists invaded our country and as horrible as the event was, as many lives were lost, as painful it was, this country pulled together no matter what state, religion, color, or socioeconomic background one was from. Law enforcement, fire departments, first responders, military, mayors, and yes even a republican president were honored and appreciated. Why 19 years later when the terrorist pandemic hits does this country not respond in the same way? Instead, the opposite! Are we the body of Messiah being all we can be?
This Shabbat, September 12th, I will be returning to the theme of God’s Covenant purposes for us as seen in the tribes of Israel. When Jacob (Israel) prophesies over his 12 sons, these are words for us to embrace and and ask God to redeem in our lives! We have been having wonderful times of worship and open heavens in our services, come and enjoy with us!
On Friday, September 18th at 6:30pm, we will be celebrating Yom Teruah, The Feast of Trumpets along with Gateway On Mount Zion for a very special time to bring in the New Year 5781. This Feast of The Lord, also known as Rosh HaShana, ushers us into the 10 Days of Awe Culminating with Yom Kippur. A special time of visitation and expectation of the coming Kingdom of Yeshua’s reign on earth. THERE WILL BE NO SHABBAT MORNING SERVICE SEPTEMBER 19th! However on the 19th we will join others for a Holy Convocation at Pine Valley Open Space 30400 Crystal Lake Rd, Pine CO 80470 at 3pm for picnic, fellowship, praise, blowing the shofar hiking, etc. We will also be having an Erev Yom Kippur service on Sunday evening, September 27th.
This new season and the upcoming year 5781 will be probably the most significant time of our lives. God has put us here “for such a time as this” and we all have a part to play in the coming events. It is a time that will require us to exercise great faith and boldness and perseverance. Keep close to The Father, Shema (hear) what He is saying and walk in Shalom! See you this Shabbat! We are praying Psalm 91 over you!
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Blessings and Shabbat Shalom,
Stewart and Millie