Shabbat 1/16/2021 Happy 5th Or Chaim!

Shabbat Shalom Mishpacha and Happy 5th Birthday to our Congregation! Five is the number for GRACE!
As Millie and I wrap up our vacation in Florida and prepare to return to Colorado, we just want to take some time to greet you and exhort you IN THE LORD! Just since we have been gone, we have seen a nation being ripped apart even more (if that was even possible!) and many “narratives” floating around that have brought lack of peace, more fear, and certainly more division. I read a scripture from Romans 12 this morning that very much encouraged me during these troubling times; “Do not be lagging in zeal; be fervent in spirit. KEEP SERVING THE LORD, REJOICING IN HOPE, ENDURING IN DISTRESS, PERSISTING IN PRAYER ... BLESSING THOSE WHO PERSECUTE YOU — BLESS AND DO NOT CURSE.” I have been sharing about “Moving (forging) Forward” in this new year, and this exhortation from Rav Shaul is a key for us to do just that!

Millie and I look forward to seeing you all this Shabbat, January 16th. We are refreshed (sort of) and looking forward to this new season pressing into God’s covenant purposes for all of us. As a community, we hope to inspire and see Kingdom growth in our personal lives. We also believe that this will be a year of harvest, of souls coming into the kingdom and also of many visions and promises coming to fruition!

Men, it’s not too late to sign up for our Men’s Advance on January 22-23 (Friday and Saturday)! The cost is $130 and it will be held at the beautiful Hideaway Retreat Center in the Black Hills north of Colorado Springs. It will be a time of refreshing and restoration, so come on out and join us!

Finally, as your Senior Congregational Leaders we want to encourage you to seek His Face and His Presence and His Shalom AS IF YOUR LIFE DEPENDED ON IT, BECAUSE IT DOES! We have no guarantees that things will get easier, in fact, no one does but our God is more than able to walk us through anything we might encounter!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie

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