Shabbat Oct 30, 2021
/Shabbat Shalom!
I love the cool, crisp early Autumn days! My favorite time of the year especially here in Colorado. Millie and I are finally coming through jet-lag from our ministry trip to Kenya. I’m telling you, the older I get, the more I “feel” my body in my travels and the longer it takes to recover! However, there is no way we will ever tire of ‘going’ into the nations and seeing His international Family being expanded! What an incredible trip that we had and we will be sharing with you all over the next weeks. This shabbat October 30th, Father has given me a message on how to be good stewards of what He has given all of us, and how we can embrace the grace of God as well as our faithfulness in carrying out our responsibilities. Come on out and join the Mishpacha on “the Mountain” and worship with us and be an encouragement to the body!
Some exciting and fun things to put on the calendar and be part of:
- This Tuesday November 2nd at 5pm we will start meeting again on the west steps of the State Capitol to continue the assignment Father has given us to proclaim His Lordship over this State and nation, and intercede for His purposes to be accomplished here! This will be an ongoing event on Tuesday evenings.
- On Sunday November 7th we will have our monthly Men’s meeting at 10am. This month we will meet at my house. These are great times of fellowship, encouragement and praying for one another. All men are invited to these times.
- On Wednesday December 1st at 6pm, we will be getting together with other Believers in the city who love the Jewish people to bless the Jewish community in Greenwood Village! We will sing Hanukah songs and Christmas carols (believe it or not, Jews love Christmas carols!). We will go into the neighborhood and serve hot chocolate and be a blessing to these folks that God loves so much! All are welcome to join us and you don’t have to have a great singing voice to come out and sing! We will be giving you more information as we get closer to the time. This will be great fun!
Some of you have been asking what are some specific areas that you can serve the OCC family in practical ways. One very important area that we want to raise up a team is in the area of our worship, specifically our Audio/Visual team. Please let me know if you are interested in serving in this vital area and we will organize training on the equipment. We want to continue to bless others outside of the local area by doing our live- feeds, as well as not putting an undue burden on one person to do it all. This is how community works together!
Look forward to seeing you all!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie
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Meru Kenya