Or Chaim

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Shabbat Nov 6, 2021

Shabbat Shalom!

Millie and I have been receiving some encouraging testimonies from our time in Kenya! As we prayed for many people, one husband and wife we prayed for had no employment for quite a while, Praise God they both have jobs! We prayed for a lady named Zibora, who had been oppressed by the demonic to the point of not being able to sleep, as we sensed she needed deliverance, Yeshua broke off the demonic forces and she has been set free and is sleeping and doing extremely well! These are just a few of the stories of breakthrough we have been receiving since returning back from Africa.The other day, several of us went to the State Capitol and prayed for righteousness and justice to be returned to this nation, we worshipped the King of kings, and we stood in the gap and cried out on behalf of the land, proclaiming 2Chronicles and other scriptures believing that revival will break out here. GOD IS MOVING! This is a time that Father is encouraging His children to complete assignments He has given, and walk with endurance and confidence.

This Shabbat November 6th we will have a very special guest at Or Chaim! This young man is an Israeli Believer who leads the Congregation in Tel Aviv that Millie and I co-pastored when we lived there. Him and his family have a passion for their people to hear about Yeshua and to see Him high and lifted up among the people of Israel! This has been a challenging time for believers around the world, especially in Israel where there has been many absolute shut-downs and draconian restrictions on gathering together. Come on out to meet this young family and let’s bless them! This Sunday November 7th we will be having our Men’s gathering at Rabbi Stewart's house. All men are welcome to these special times of encouragement, refreshing and fellowship with one another. We begin at 10am and go until noon, so bring some bagels and nosh and and let’s enjoy!

For those who are able, we will continue to meet at the Capitol on Tuesdays at 5pm on the west steps. These are special times of intercession and proclamation of worship, as the Scriptures are clear to pray for our cities and nations to declare who He is with our voices. This is an assignment for our Congregation and a call for the body here in the metro area also. Come on out on November 9th and let’s make our voices heard together!

Hanukkah begins on Sunday evening November 28th! We will be joining with other churches and ministries in the city to bless the Jewish community in Greenwood Village on the evening of Wednesday December1st, with Chanukah songs and Christmas carols! We will walk through the neighborhood singing and distributing hot chocolate, and at the same time letting these precious folks know that we love them! If you play the guitar or sing or just want to have a great time, come on out! We will meet at Resurrection Anglican Church, 9250 E. Belleview Ave. Greenwood Village 80111 at 6pm that evening. ALL ARE WELCOME!

Let us continue to come together and worship The Lord of the Shabbat this weekend!

Shalom and Blessings,

Stewart and Millie



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