Shabbat 2/20/2021
/Shabbat Shalom!
We had about six inches of snow last night, which has turned into a beautiful landscape on the mountain today with the sun shining! So much of the nation has been caught in a deep freeze, even in places that don’t normally have severe weather, but it’s winter not “climate change”, so keep them in prayer! We are coming up on the Biblical feast of Purim beginning on Thursday evening February 25th. To celebrate this special time, we will have a Purim party at the home of Patricia DeLeon on Thursday at 6:30pm. Her address is: 10578 Our St., Commerce City 80022. Because this is a special time as we recite the Megillah (Book of Esther), we want to encourage you to dress up as your favorite (or not so favorite!) Bible character. It is a wonderful celebration as we remember how God delivered His people from certain extermination at the hands of Haman and the Persians. It is also a call to us for fasting and prayer for the Jewish people beforehand, especially as we see the rise of anti-semitism, here and abroad. Bring a favorite snack or food dish as a meat tray will be provided as well as ‘Hamantashen”! Please RSVP by text to Patricia at (720)431-2387.
This Shabbat February 20th, I will bring a timely message on the SPIRIT AND POWER OF ELIJAH!The days of this incredible prophet were not so different as the days we are living in today. Israel had turned to idolatry and the evil King Ahab and his wife Jezebel were introducing every kind of abominable practice, including killing babies at the altar of Baal! A man, full of the Ruach HaKodesh spoke truth to power and a nation was turned back to God. I will be sharing about Spiritual “Fathers” and how this is a time to heed the Word, and also the words spoken from men of God who are no longer with us, warning of the days we are living in today. This is not a day to shrink back in fear and helplessness but a time to boldly declare the Word in the power and spirit of Elijah! We will be entering into a fast starting on Monday for those who able, and I would like to share some points to intercede about:
* As Purim nears, pray that the Jewish people will turn to the Messiah for their salvation!
* For breakthrough and deliverance for our families and that restoration would occur!
* To continue to pray that this nation would turn from evil and back to God and His Word!
Be encouraged in this time of cleansing, because Father’s desire is to impart His glory in our midst and that true revival would come to our land!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie
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