Shabbat Feb 6, 2021
/Shalom Mishpacha,
Recently I heard a local pastor and a respected prophet (please don’t stone me, yes I believe there are prophets) say “we need a healthy fear of the Lord to overcome an unhealthy fear that we see in the world”. As we forge ahead into the uncharted waters of this exciting and challenging year, our eyes are firmly fixed on what our Heavenly Father desires and what He planned for us at the foundation of the world. A healthy reverence and fear of God that desires intimacy and friendship with us and yet is also a Sovereign King who judges the whole earth and calls us to holiness, is required of us in these days! He is not a “buddy” that will condone our every whim and sin, and wink at our silliness and shallowness as we continue to misunderstand what Grace really is. He is too in love with us and cares about us too much to allow us to go as it was before, He is calling us back to Him, to resemble Yeshua more than we did yesterday, and rid ourselves of anything that hinders our walk of holiness!
Exciting things are happening at Or Chaim in the next weeks! This Shabbat, February 6th we will have a OC family time as we discuss some important and practical things as we move forward into the new year. We will have a time of worship, and I sense that Father will speak to and through us in wonderful ways! Also, we will celebrate Yeshua’s Table (Communion) as we want to consecrate ourselves to the Lord for the days ahead. Saturday evening we will have a special Havdalah at the Westendorf’s farm as we celebrate Tom and Mary’s 50th anniversary! This will be a fun time as we bless Tom and Mary and close out the Shabbat. It will be a Mexican potluck so it is important to RSVP to them as soon as possible! This Sunday, February 7th, the men will gather at Lee Cooperman’s house at 10am for our monthly men’s group where we encourage one another and help each other become more like Yeshua!
Next Shabbat, February 13th during our morning service we will welcome Joel Richardson, New York Times bestselling author and a recognized expert on Biblical prophesy and the Middle East, to Or Chaim! We had scheduled him December but had to cancel so come on out and invite others to hear this dynamic teacher. With all that is happening in these days, we need to see how things are lining up in that part of the world so we can pray with understanding and effectiveness. We will take a love offering for Joel and all are welcome.
Friends we need not be in fear or walk around with our heads bowed down in fear, YESHUA IS FAITHFUL AND GOD WILL DO WHAT HE SAID HE IS GOING TO DO!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie
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