Shabbat July 3, 2021 Let Freedom Ring!

This Sunday is the 4th of July! The nation will be 245 years old, and in spite of the spiritual and moral condition of the USA, I still love this place! As many of you, I’m encouraged to pray for an awakening that will cleanse us, re-align us, and re-fire us to be that shining beacon on a hill that we are called to be. Contrary to what many naysayers and haters might say, I believe this republic was founded on Godly principles and foundations that have brought freedom and hope to countless millions of people over the years all over the world! Celebrate with your family and friends and pray for His purposes to prevail in this great land!

This Shabbat July 3rd I will continue the theme of REVIVAL TO REVOLUTION, with part 2 of a message on what the new “Yeshua people” are to look like. Start your weekend off by coming together as a community and worshipping the King, and being in His Presence!

Next Sunday, July 11th will be our monthly men’s meeting at Russ Crider’s house from 10am till 12noon, ALL MEN ARE WELCOME TO THESE TIMES OF FELLOWSHIP AND ENCOURAGEMENT!

July 17th Dan and Patty Juster of Tikkun International will be with us from Israel and don’t forget to see Millie about registering for the upcoming women’s retreat July 24-26. The theme this year Majesty: The King Revealed. Carole Urbas will teaching. There are only a few spots left.

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie


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