Shabbat August 13, 2022
/Shalom Mishpacha!
Hope you are all doing well! THIS SHABBAT, AUGUST 13THWE WILL BE MEETING ON THE MOUNTAIN AT GATEWAY ON MT. ZION UNDER THE TENT AT 11AM! WE WILL NOT BE MEETING AT THE DWELLING PLACE, AS WE HAVE FOR THE LAST MONTH DUE TO A PREVIOUSLY SCHEDULED CONFERENCE AT THAT LOCATION. THE ADDRESS FOR GoMZ IS 166 S. LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN ROAD, GOLDEN 80401. Come on out and enjoy the presence of Adonai, with an incredible view as we worship the King in this beautiful tent! You will be protected from the sun, and they have placed incredibly clean “sanitary facilities”! I believe that The Lord has given me a very important message to share especially with all the ‘insanity’ happening around us. We have been learning to be GIANT KILLERS over the last many weeks and and this Shabbat we will explore and learn how to defeat the power of fear in our lives!. BRING A PICNIC LUNCH FOR AFTER THE SERVICE, AND PLEASE REMEMBER WE DO NOT HAVE ANY KITCHEN FACILITY TO HEAT UP THINGS OR WASH DISHES! STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP AND ENJOY THE BEAUTY OF LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN!
The next Men’s Meeting will be Sunday August 28th at 10amat Bill Thorn’s home. All men are invited to these wonderful times of encouragement and refreshing, as we spend time with one another and help each other become men of God in our homes, the Congregation and our local communities. We will send out his address in another email.
Millie and I and the rest of the leadership of Or Chaim want to thank all of you for your faithfulness in giving financially to the needs of this ministry! When we began as a Congregation seven years ago we committed to support ministries first in Israel and then into the nations. We continue to do this, and as we bless those works, we become partakers of the fruit of their ministry! Israelis are being discipled and holocaust survivors are being fed and honored as a result of your giving. Orphans in Kenya are being clothed, fed and able to go to school as a result of your faithfulness in giving, and also drink clean water! Locally, we continue to work toward the building of the One New Man that will hasten the return of our Lord. You can give through various ways: You can go to our Or Chaim Congregation website and at MENU, go to GIVING AND TITHING and simply click the DONATE button and follow the prompts. Or you can text ‘or chaim’ to (833) 877-2788. You may also send checks to 23696 Pondview Pl., Golden, Co. 80401. This week we will NOT be live-streaming as we meet in the tent!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie