Yom Teruah Rosh HaShanah Friday night!
/Shalom and Shana Tova!
Such an amazing season that we are entering! The Feast of Trumpets, Yom Teruah, has morphed into over the millennia as Rosh HaShana (head of the year, literally) for the Jewish people. Although not the Biblical new year (that is in the month of Nisan at Passover), it has become a traditional and civil new year, so we celebrate this Biblical feast with a sense of awe and expectation! It is the beginning of the 10 DAYS OF AWE, between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), some of the most significant and important days of God’s appointed times (Mo’adim) where His people meet with Him, and look forward to the day of ingathering and final harvest, and the triumphant return of our glorious Yeshua!
We will be gathering for our annual Yom Teruah service this Friday eveningSeptember 15th at 6:30pm! The address for The Dwelling Place is 16800 W. 9th Ave Golden, 80401. BRING YOUR SHOFARS AND BE PREPARED TO MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE TO ADONAI! This is always a special time for Or Chaim as we celebrate this Feast of Adonai, and worship Him and celebrate His goodness and faithfulness to us! This will be a great opportunity to invite your friends and neighbors to experience this special service, and for them to experience the richness of the season. This will be our service for the weekend as we will not meet on Saturday morning! We are all invited to a special concert with BECKAH SHEA at CASTLEWOOD CANYON CHURCH in Franktown at 4pm on September 16th! The address for the church is 389 N. Castlewood Canyon, Franktown. The event is free but RSVP at ccanyon.org and a free-will offering will be taken, so bring your shofar and your camping chair because, weather-permitting, it will be at the outdoor amphitheater around the fire!
We know that this is a busy time of the year but it is also probably one of the most Spiritually active seasons of the year. The Holy One is desiring to meet with us and speak to us and empower us for the tumultuous times before us. These are not just random dates on the calendar or “Jewish things” or religious activities where we “check the box” and feel good about ourselves. These days are invitations from our King to meet with Him and experience His love for us, and to honor Him and receive grace and fresh revelation to enter into this new season! We look forward to seeing you on Friday evening!
The dates for the Fall Feasts:
Friday Sept.15th @6:30pm; YOM TERUAH (ROSH HaSHANA) The Dwelling Place
Saturday Sept.16th @4pm; Concert with Beckah Shae! Castlewood Canyon Church, Franktown; NO MORNING SHABBAT SERVICE!
Sunday Sept.24th @6:30pm KOL NIDRE YOM KIPPUR SERVICE; The Dwelling Place
Friday-Sunday Sept.29th-Oct 1st; SUCCOTH CELEBRATION WITH BILL BULLOCK!; Castlewood Canyon Church , Franktown
Also, many have asked how they can give through our different donation methods…You can go to our Or Chaim Congregation website https://www.or-chaim.com and at MENU, go to GIVING AND TITHING and simply click the DONATE button and follow the prompts. Or you can text ‘orchaim’ to (833) 877-2788. You may always send checks to 1658 Deer Creek Rd., Monument, Co.80132.Again, we look forward to seeing all of you this Shabbat