Shabbat Dec 7, 2024 and Craig Hill Sun Dec 8
/All invited!
Shabbat Shalom!
It’s hard to believe we are in December already. It seems that it was only yesterday we were celebrating the Fall Feasts and now we are almost at the end of the year! And, what a year it has been! I believe that we have truly undergone a “shift”, as we have seen God’s hand at work in Israel, here in America and, truly all around the globe! I truly believe it has been because of an increase in prayer and intercession on behalf of God’s people. However, as with any move of God, we as the Bride of Messiah, need to keep on pressing in to Him, and desire to walk in the holiness that He has called us to live in. It is a lifestyle of surrender to Adonai! In Isaiah 66:2 it says, “For My hand has made all these things, so all these things came to be,” declares Adonai. “But on this one will I look (bless), one humble and of a contrite spirit, who trembles at My word”. Our God is continuing to show His faithful remnant His plans and purposes, and He desires us to co-labor with Him to fulfill them!
Come on out this Shabbat December 7th as we celebrate Yeshua and honor His word! We are meeting at The Dwelling Place, 16800 W.9th Ave, Golden 80401at 11am. We are continuing in our theme The Awe Of God with a message on Trembling At His Word, and how it is so important to not just OBEY but to OBEY IMMEDIATELY! I know I’ve said it before, “the Lord is dealing with me in this area”, so, why haven’t I been doing what He said? In the “shift” that is happening, it is crucial that we respond immediately to what the Lord is saying, without excuses! We will discus practical ways to walk in the obedience that God requires. WE WILL BE HAVING A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP! Also, a reminder that Jeremy Jacob’s Turn Ministries is hosting a NIGHT OF STORIES event on Saturday evening the 7th at Resurrection Anglican Church, in Greenwood Village at 6:30pm! The event is free but you must register beforehand.