Shabbat March 23, 2024
/Shalom Mishpacha!
If there is one thing I've learned in over 15 years living in Colorado, it is that winter and heavy snow can come back when you least expect it! We had to cancel our services last Shabbat, because snow plows were not able to get to either of the locations that we tried to meet in. We will certainly re-schedule the Immersion service and try to show the film WHY STAND WITH ISRAEL at a later date. Millie and I were able to preview the film last Saturday night in Colorado Springs, and it was very powerful and impactful! As family, I would ask you to pray for Millie and I as I will be having a medical procedure done on Friday the 22nd. As some of you know, I had a tumor removed from my bladder 2 years ago. I have been doing well but at my last checkup there seemed to be a slight reoccurrence that is going to be removed. As the doctor said, it is a small “hiccup”, but we would ask that you would pray for complete healing and restoration because we know that our covenant-keeping Father is able to do so much more than doctors! We have seen Him do so many miraculous things and know that He will complete the good work of healing He has begun in me! It is an outpatient procedure, but Millie and I will not be able to attend service on Shabbat as I recover. However, we have wonderful service planned! Our special speaker will be sharing on the Feast of Purim!! Read on…
Some of our men will be involved with the Men’s Advance, but our dear friend Carole Urbas will share the message this Shabbat on Esther and the festival of Purim! Yes, Purim begins this Sunday evening and as I look around at all of the earth-shaking events happening around the world I am reminded of the words Mordecai spoke to Esther, “For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place — but you and your father’s house will perish. WHO KNOWS WHETHER YOU HAVE ATTAINED ROYAL STATUS FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS?” This festival, as all of God’s appointed times, is so relevant for the day we are living in. I want to encourage everyone to come to Shabbat this week and be inspired by Carole, a true woman of God! Also, on Sunday evening March 24th we will have a Purim gathering at the Aronstein home at 5:30pm where we will dress up as Esther, Mordecai and the evil Haman, eat ‘hamantashen’ and probably do a PURIM SPIEL! If you dont know what a Spiel is, well, you just have to come out and be part of it! Their address is 7220 Box Canyon Rd. Sedalia, 80135.
Next Friday March 29th Or Chaim will be hosting the Aaron Shust benefit concert for Israel at The Rock Church. You can purchase tickets for this event on the Or Chaim website and the price is $20. The address for the church is 4881 Cherokee Dr. Castle Rock 80109, and the doors will open at 6pm and the concert will begin at 7pm. This will be an incredible concert as Jew and Gentile come together to stand with Israel For such a Time as This!
Plans are in motion for our Or chaim Passover Seders taking place on Monday eveningApril 22nd, so put it on your calendar because it is already on God's! They will be taking place in homes around the metro area, and we will be letting you know of all the details in the upcoming days. It will be important to sign up for the seder as soon as possible as space will be limited!
As you can see, there are some awesome events coming up! God is moving and all of these happenings are about Kingdom advancement! Many of you have asked how you can donate to Or Chaim:
You can give online at:
Or you can make checks payable to :
Or Chaim
1658 Deer Creek Rd.
Monument, Co.80132
Blessings and Shalom!
Stewart and Millie