Shabbat June 15th, 2024
/Shabbat Shalom!
This week we have been celebrating the Biblical feast of Shavuot (Weeks), with most of us recognizing a date earlier this week, and others celebrating this Sunday. Is one observation wrong? Not necessarily, it is all about how we choose to count the Omer “from the morrow after the Shabbat” (Lev.23:15), but the main point being that Shavuot is one of the most important Biblical feasts of the year, no matter what day you celebrate! It is a time of ‘Aliyah’, where all Jewish men were to make their way to the Temple of God in Jerusalem and bring their offerings from the harvest of wheat. It is one of the Shelosh Regalim, the “big 3” feasts of the Biblical calendar! It still is today a time when we bring a special offering before the Lord, and also a special time of Thanksgiving for all of the provision that He brings us! It is also the day that God imparted His Ruach HaKodesh on the Believers in Jerusalem, and the Kingdom of God was catapulted literally around the world!
Join us this Shabbat June 15th at The Dwelling Place, 16800 W.9th Ave Golden at 11am! We will have a wonderful time of worship and hearing the Word about the significance of Shavuot! Our dear friend Lynne McDowell will be leading our worship so come on out and celebrate with us! WE WILL HAVE A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP! Some have asked, is there a special dish that we eat at Shavuot? I’m glad you asked! Traditionally, the Jewish people eat dairy products (although meat is certainly not forbidden!), so, cheese blintzes, noodle google, cheese-filled “kreplach" and of course cheesecake! Also, anything with honey (a land flowing with milk and honey!) and wheat. So, invite you friends and neighbors and come on out this Shabbat and let’s celebrate together!
Many of you have asked how you can donate to Or Chaim:
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Or Chaim
1658 Deer Creek Rd.
Monument, Co.80132
Blessings and Chag Sameach!
Stewart and Millie