This Shabbat we welcome Ted Pearce!
Usually summertime brings a “lull” in activity, what with vacations, working in the garden, avoiding the heat or taking care of the kids on their summer break, but this year it seems there is an abundance of activity! It seems like spiritual activity, both from the Kingdom of God as well as the kingdoms of this world have been in “overdrive” to keep us engaged in pressing into Adonai, to know what we are to be doing in”such a time as this”. Again, I keep coming back to what Yeshua says in John 16:33, “ … In the world you will have trouble, but take heart! I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD!” So, be encouraged, love God and on a daily basis come before Him and lay all your cares, anxieties, frustrations, needs and desires before Him and TRUST that He will work on your behalf! I love the promise of Romans 8:28, Now we know that ALL THINGS work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to His purpose.”
This Shabbat August 17th will be a very special service at Or Chaim (even though all are special!)! We will welcome our friend, Messianic recording artist Ted Pearce, to our Congregation for an incredible concert and prayer time for Israel and the Jewish people! Ted’s music has blessed millions around the world and his heart for the Land and her people over the years has brought many into a greater understanding of God’s covenantal relationship with Israel. All are welcome to this wonderful time, so invite some friends and come on out to enjoy Shabbat with us! Our address is: 16800 W.9th Ave. Golden, 80401 and we will begin at 11am. THERE WILL BE A POTLUCK ONEG (LUNCH) FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO PLEASE BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP!
Many of you have asked how you can donate to Or Chaim:You can give online at:
Or you can make checks payable to :
Or Chaim
1658 Deer Creek Rd. Monument, Co.80132
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie