Shabbat August 3, 2024

Shabbat Shalom!

The hypocrisy of the world is again on full display as tensions are rising in the Middle East. Apparently it’s fine to slaughter innocent children playing soccer, but don’t you dare retaliate against the perpetrators of the attack! We certainly do live in an upside down, “sky is green” world! Please continue to pray for Israel as it looks like things may be going to a whole new level. The leadership of Or Chaim are joining with Tikkun and other Messianic Jewish organizations in calling for a 2 day prayer/fast this Saturdayand Sunday, specifically for the situation in Israel. We would ask that you ask the Lord if you are to join with us in this event. WE WILL NOT BE HAVING OUR REGULAR ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE THIS SHABBAT! We will have a special time of prayer after the service. This Sunday is also our regular day of praying for Colorado on The Wall, from 6pm Sunday till 6pm Monday. Remember, prayer is our partnering with a covenant-keeping, almighty, loving and gracious God, to see His kingdom purposes fulfilled here on planet earth! It is a privilege and a responsibility to pray. Authority has been given to us as it says in Mt.16:19, “Whatever you forbid on earth will have been forbidden in heaven and what you permit on earth will have been permitted in heaven.” So, let's exercise our authority and believe for great things!

This Shabbat August 3rd we will be meeting at The Dwelling Place, 16800 W.9th Ave Golden, 80401 at 11am. I will be continuing in the theme of the Awe of God with a message entitled Three Images! As we have been sharing, God hates hypocrisy and we of all people need to be carrying His image to a dark and lost world! But, what is the image we have been portraying? Only the Holy Fear of God in us will impact the world around us and keep us from falling into the hypocrisy and corruption all around us. Come on out this Shabbat and let us celebrate this special day together!

Next week on August 10th we also will not have an Oneg, as we will be coming together to celebrate Havdalah at the Farm! Yes, it has been a while! We will all meet at Tom and Mary’s farm, 1029 S. Bonnie Lane, Watkins 80137 at 5:30pm. We will have our regular Shabbat service in the morning, and then give you the afternoon off for some rest and then come together to close out the Shabbat!. We will let you know what to bring as this will be a potluck event. On Shabbat August 17th, we will welcome Messianic recording artist Ted Pearce to Or Chaim! You will not want to miss this and it will be a great opportunity to invite friends for this time of worship and praise.

Many of you have asked how you can donate to Or Chaim:

You can give online at:

Or you can make checks payable to :
Or Chaim
1658 Deer Creek Rd. 
Monument, Co.80132

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie