Shabbat 2/22/2025

Shabbat Shalom!

As a guy who grew up in sunny and warm Southern California, the idea of snow and cold weather was something I (weirdly!) looked forward to. Don’t get me wrong, I truly love Colorado and the seasons, but the cold of February hurts a bit more than it used to! However, as I peer out my office window, the beauty of this place still continues to astound me. I have checked the weather and it is supposed to be warmer and sunny for this Shabbat! This year, Millie and I have committed to reading through the Bible, using one of our favorite audio Bible apps, and this week we are in Leviticus. It is such a beautiful picture of the holiness of God, laying out to the Israelites how to approach Him in worship and also in their daily lives. Many would say that it is a hard book to really understand, and they would be right, however, as we ask Ruach HaKodesh to give us wisdom, He gives us understanding of how majestic and awesome He is, and how He invites us to partake in His covenantal family! I want to encourage all of you to be faithful in reading the Scriptures on a daily basis, and ask Him to give you revelation as you read!

Come on out this Shabbat, February 22nd as we celebrate and worship our King and Lord! We meet at 11am at The Dwelling Place, and our address is 16800 W.9th Ave Golden, 80401. As we continue in our theme of THE AWE OF GOD, I will be bringing a message on one of the most sobering passages of Scripture that we can read. We will explore why Yeshua said “Get away from Me”, and the implications for us today. It may be a hard message, but it is directly from the heart of a deeply loving and caring Father! I promise you, it will be an encouraging word! AFTER THE SERVICE, JOIN US FOR A POTLUCK ONEG, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR THE FELLOWSHIP!

Just a word of encouragement, continue to pray for the Mishpacha as many are struggling with various ailments. Our dear Mary has been faithful in sending out prayer needs as she receives them, and it seems that many are battling during this winter season. If you know someone who needs prayer or encouragement, give them a call and speak life over them! Also, we want to ask you to be faithful in your giving, as it seems at this time of the year many ministries are struggling, including Or Chaim, and we want to continue to give and bless as the Lord leads us!

Many of you have asked how you can donate to Or Chaim:You can give online at: 

Or you can make checks payable to :

Or Chaim

1658 Deer Creek Rd. Monument, Co.80132

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie