Shabbat January 21,2016
/Shabbat Shalom Mishpacha!
Just watched the Inauguration of our 45th President, Donald J. Trump, and was struck by the pomp and circumstance that accompanies these historic events. Today, I was particularly impressed by the prayers of a Jewish Rabbi, as well as known Christian leaders, as they uttered ancients truths that transcend generations and, yes, earthly kingdoms. The words spoke of the God whose words never change, and whose purposes will be fulfilled. Their prayers conveyed the temporal nature of man, but the eternal love of an awesome God, who entrusts us with carrying out His plans. I urge all of us to pray everyday, not just for our president, but his family and administration who carry great responsibility.
I want to encourage all of you to come to Shabbat service this week, as we honor the day that God has sanctified, and told us to remember and observe. The Lord has given me a message to share with you on how to contend for what is written in the Books about us. We will be exploring the courtroom of Grace, and how we have a Cohen Gadol (Great High Priest), who has gone before us and intercedes on our behalf, all the time! Join us as we rejoice in and read the Torah, and as we worship and praise our Eternal King!
Following the service, we will have a special Oneg, as we bless Kayla and Tabitha Busby, who will be going to Uganda on missions outreach. They will be preparing a lunch for us, and we will have an opportunity to bless them financially as they are raising their funds to go. Please encourage them!
Next Shabbat, January 28th, we will welcome Messianic worship leader and prophetic Psalmist, Paul Wilbur, who will be with us in our morning service at 10:30 am, as well as performing a concert at 6:30pm that evening. Invite your friends, and especially those who need to hear the Good News of the Jewish Messiah! He will also be ministering on Sunday morning, January 29th, at the service of Gateway On Mt. Zion, at 10am.
Shabbat Shalom and Be Blessed!
Stewart and Millie
Congregation Leaders
Or Chaim Congregation
166 S Lookout Mountain Rd
Golden CO 80401
Congratulations to Donald J Trump as he becomes the 45th President of the USA! God bless America and President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence and families!