Shabbat January 14, 2017

Shabbat Shalom Mishpocha!

The first few weeks of a new year are times of setting into motion the things that God has given us vision. As I shared last Shabbat, He spoke to me two words: PURITY AND POWER. As we embrace our persona as being “in Messiah Yeshua, who became to us WISDOM FROM GOD, AND RIGHTEOUSNESS AND SANCTIFICATION, AND REDEMPTION”, we will live as He intended, and will walk with incredible authority and power to impact a crazy world! I am excited and encouraged about what lies before us, individually and corporately, things that will impact our destinies, transform our families, and see God’s purposes in many areas fulfilled!

This Shabbat, January 14th, I will be sharing a message out of Psalm 2, which is an incredible prophetic picture of a world-wide crisis taking place in the last times, and God’s response to man’s plans. It will be an important and timely message, so try not to miss it! Our services are filled with spirit-led worship, as well as inspiring and beautiful proclamations of God’s Word and faithfulness. We will have a potluck Oneg following the service, so bring a dish and stay for great fellowship! This week, we will be celebrating the one year anniversary of Or Chaim, with a special cake! Come celebrate with us!

Some upcoming events to be aware of: Shabbat, January 21st, we will have a special fund-raising potluck for the Busby sisters, Kayla and Tabitha, as they are preparing to go to Uganda on a missions outreach! We love to see young people on fire for the Lord, “GO INTO ALL THE WORLD…”, and we want to bless them in this! They will be providing a spaghetti dinner, with all the stuff that goes with it, and we can bless them by contributing to their trip.
On January 28th, Messianic recording artist Paul Wilbur will join us for the morning Shabbat service at 10:30am, as well as performing a concert that evening at 6:30pm. This will be a day to remember, so invite friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors to this special event! A love offering will be taken up for Paul.

Many other exciting things coming up as well, including our upcoming Bless Israel outreach, between Feb.6-19th, so keep us in your prayer as we look forward to that!

Blessing and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie

Or Chaim Congregation

166 S Lookout Mountain Rd

Golden CO 80401
