Shabbat January 7, 2017

Shabbat Shalom And Happy New Year! Wow, hard to believe but Or Chaim is celebrating it’s one year anniversary! We were commissioned on January 8th of last year, and had our first service the following week. So many incredible things have happened and He has shown His faithfulness to all of us! Millie and I had a great week at IHOP Kansas City, as we were blessed to take part in a global leadership summit, and join with their annual OneThing event with people from all over the world! Great teaching and worship, and celebrating God’s goodness with about 20,000 mostly young people. I may be in my 60’s, but my heart still feels like it’s 30!

I sensed that the Father spoke to me clearly two words that I want to live out, and desire us as a community to live out over this next season (and the rest of our lives, hopefully!): PURITY and POWER. In other words, live in right standing with The Lord, being the righteousness of God in the Messiah, and moving in the power and authority we already have IN HIM! As we live this way, we will see people come into a knowledge of who Yeshua really is, because they will see His light in us. Also, I believe we will see miracles and things that we once thought were impossible, come into being! I see many of us, and those in our families, walking into destinies and callings that we were beginning to believe would never happen! Bondages and chains of addiction and abuse will be broken, and many will be healed of sickness and disease that have lingered for years! Am I hopeful? I am very hopeful, because I know through His Word, and through my own experience, that He is more than able to do what He said He would do!

Don’t miss this Shabbat, January 7th, at 10:30am, as I will be sharing a timely word on how to identify and birth God’s kingdom purposes, already written in books in heaven, to be manifest here on Earth. What does God say from the “courtroom of heaven”, about how He sees me and what He wants me to accomplish? We will be exploring how to engage Him in this process. Join us as we worship God in freedom, and enjoy a fun and lively Torah service. Fun and lively? absolutely! He never intended that our Shabbat services were to be boring and religious! WE WILL BE HAVING A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH AND ENJOY THE FELLOWSHIP!

If you are planning on going on our Bless Israel outreach in February, WE WILL BE HAVING A SHORT OUTREACH MEETING DURING THE ONEG. We will plan to have a conference call with Jeff Shelton, who is facilitating our tour, so you can ask questions you might have. We will also pray in to our time in Israel!

Look forward to seeing all of you on Shabbat! Mark your calendars for Jan 28th..Paul Wilbur will be ministering and sharing his music in concert at the 10:30 am and 6:30pm!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie

