Shabbat February 25, 2017
/Shabbat Shalom Mishpacha!
We're Back! Fifteen of us just returned back from 2 weeks in Israel! I think all of us would agree that it was a powerful time, as we served holocaust survivors, visited Messianic ministries in the land, and experienced the places Yeshua walked. Many of us are still overcoming jet lag and various sickness, but come back with a greater appreciation of what God is doing in the land today. We look forward to sharing with all of you over the next weeks what we experienced and how it impacted us. One of our callings at Or Chaim, is to embrace and come alongside the Messianic body in Israel, not just financially, but in practical ways. One of the biggest blessings we had was serving meals, singing, dancing, and distributing gifts that we brought to the precious survivors and seeing the joy in their faces!
Don’t miss this Shabbat, February 25th! I will be sharing the second part of a message I began before we left, on how do we answer the accuser of the brethren. We will also be celebrating the Lord’s supper together. What a beautiful picture of celebrating covenant it is when we join together in remembering Him! WE WILL BE HAVING AN ONEG AFTER THE SERVICE, SO BRING YOUR FAVORITE DISH AND ENOUGH TO SHARE! Next Shabbat, March 4th, we will be having a Havdalah fellowship at Jim and Michele Bartlett’s house at 5:00pm. All are invited to this wonderful evening of fellowship, food, and ending the Shabbat!
Millie and I are looking forward to seeing all of you this Shabbat! Also, keep those in our congregation who are battling with illness in your prayer, including Judith Williams and Jan Rubin, who have spent time in hospital this week. Prayer is powerful!
Shabbat Shalom and Blessings,
Stewart and Millie
Or Chaim Congregation
166 S Lookout Mountain Rd
Golden CO 80401
Jerusalem Sunset!