Shabbat 3/24/2018
/Shabbat Shalom!
As I was reading this morning in Luke 5 & 6, a statement from Yeshua struck me, “No man who drinks old wine wants new, because he says, ‘the old is fine.’” It is a statement not found in any other gospel account. Commentaries are somewhat helpful, but I I really wanted to know what Yeshua meant. I believe He said to me, don’t have an attitude/mindset that is resistant to new things, or be satisfied that things will be just the same as they have always been. We as the “Kehilat” (called out ones) of God, must always put our trust in, and get our life from The Holy One Of Israel, and not just rely upon past experiences that lead us to the same outcomes as before. As I have shared before, and will continue to say, we are in a new season that will require ruthless trust, and an intentional and prolonged season of being in His presence, so as to know His ways and hear His voice! Along this line, as I continue to teach out of the book of Romans, we need to see the “big picture” of what God is doing in the earth at this time. We can become so consumed with our stuff, our “issues”, and our priorities, that we lose sight of the amazing and miraculous things that He is putting into place during our lifetime! Be encouraged, God is moving, and we will see some of these things as we look at chapter 11 this Shabbat!
Passover is coming up soon. There is still room at our Seder, so get your tickets while they last. Again, the cost is $30/adult, and $15/child for a wonderful evening of recalling the faithfulness of God, and being renewed in our hope of Yeshua’s soon return! It will be an evening of fun, a re-telling of the story, music and Messianic dance, and a wonderful meal! Remember, we will not be having our regular morning Shabbat service on March 31st due to our Seder taking place at 4pm.
We look forward to seeing you all this Shabbat, March 24th as we will be participating in communion during our service, so let’s get rid of those attitudes now! We will be having a potluck Oneg following our service, SO BRING A DISH WITH ENOUGH TO SHARE, AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP!
Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie
166 S Lookout Mountain Rd
Golden CO 80401