Happy Passover
/Chag Pesach Sameach!
We are at the “Mo'ad”(appointed time) known as Passover! This is not one of those “feast of the Jews”, which is not even a Biblical term, but this is one of His Feasts! It is a designated time where He calls His people to meet with Him. It is a time to remember His incredible deliverance of a people He calls “His treasured possession” out of the bondage of slavery into a place of inheritance and blessing. It is also a time when we remember Yeshua celebrating the Passover Seder with his friends on the last night of His life on earth, where He initiated the New Covenant in His blood! Two of the most significant events in the history of God's interaction with man converge at the same time, wow, a coincidence or a revelation of His divine plan? Christians and Jews around the world are celebrating this special time, and our prayer is that those in bondage to sin will be set free, bodies will be healed and restored, and souls will be saved!
We will be celebrating our Seder on Saturday, March 31st at 4pm, at the Aurora Realtors Association, 14201 east Evans Dr., Aurora, 80014. We are sold out!THERE WILL BE NO SHABBAT MORNING SERVICE ON LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN! We are so excited about this special evening, because it is all about celebrating His faithfulness throughout the ages. Our prayer is that the weight of His glory will overwhelm us as we re-tell the story, enjoy praise and worship and anointed dance, and fellowship over a sumptuous meal!
Please pray with us that at this Passover, many people will turn their lives to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Pray also for the Peace of Jerusalem, that the Jewish Messiah will be revealed to His people. We look forward to seeing you there!
Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach!
Stewart and Millie