Shavuot 5/19/2019

Millie Lieberman

On May 17, 2018, at 12:09 PM, Stewart Lieberman <> wrote:

SHABBAT SHALOM!What an exciting season we are in! The Spring festival of Shavuot is upon us and we are looking forward to a weekend full of celebration and fellowship. This Shabbat, May 19th@10:30am, we will be welcoming The Rabbi’s Son Bill Bullock to Or Chaim Congregation! He is an awesome Torah teacher who has a unique way of bringing the scriptures to life, as he draws word pictures and illustrations that compels the hearer into deeper relationship with the Holy One of Israel! he will be with us all day, so invite your friends to this special day. We will be having a potluck Oneg following the morning service, so we want to encourage you to bring a dish and enough to share  We will begin our afternoon session with Bill at about 2pm. SINCE IT IS SHAVUOT, WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO BRING APPROPRIATE FOOD FOR THIS SPECIAL DAY. IN CASE YOU'RE WONDERING, BRING DAIRY FOODS SUCH AS BLINTZES (recipe, CHEESE KUGEL, MAC AND CHEESE DISHES, AND OF COURSE CHEESE CAKE! Is there a reason for this? Tradition is that the land of Israel is a land “flowing with milk and honey”, so lets enjoy an Oneg flowing with dairy products! Our afternoon session will end at approximately 5pm.

On Sunday, May 20th, we will be joining with other congregations in the city for a Shavuot celebration at Central Park in the Stapleton neighborhood, between 10am-4pm. The address is: 8801 E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, 80238. There will be Hebrew National Hotdogs and Veggie burgers, but we want to encourage you to bring your own picnic foods and drinks! There will be Messianic dance, special speakers, and of course, some great fellowship! This is a great opportunity to meet others in the community so bring the whole family, and invite some friends to this Biblical celebration! Shavuot is one of three Moadim (appointed times) in scripture, where All Israel is commanded to make “Aliyah” to Jerusalem to celebrate and worship The King as ONE PEOPLE!
We look forward to seeing you this weekend. I want to encourage you from the Book of Hebrews “do not neglect our own meetings as is the habit of some,BUT ENCOURAGE ONE ANOTHER - AND ALL THE MORE AS YOU SEE THE DAY APPROACHING”.BLESSINGS AND SHABBAT SHALOM!STEWART AND MILLIE

