Shabbat 7/27/2019


This has been a hard week for our family. As many of you know, our grandson Isaac passed away on July 18th. He was a wonderful and fun-loving 24 year old with an infectious smile, a precious wife Kelsey and a 3 year old beautiful daughter (Heather Grace) that had his whole life before him! We know he grappled with inner struggles as many young people do, but we felt he was on his way to overcoming them. I want to thank all of you who have prayed for us, called to encourage us, and contributed to expenses. You truly have shown your love for us, and of course, many of you knew Isaac personally as well as Brian, Michelle, Sara, Michael and Brandon. We will be having a CELEBRATION OF LIFE service at CHURCH IN THE CITY/BETH ABRAHAM, MONDAY AUGUST 5TH, FROM 3PM-6PM. The address is 1580 N. Gaylord St, Denver, 80206. As a pastor, father, and grandfather I want to encourage all of you to cherish your family above all else beside your relationship with The Lord! I am so thankful for the time we have spent as a family, since Brian and Michelle and the kids moved to the area in 2011. We laughed together, cried together, argued, discussed life issues together, and ultimately loved each other because the love of Yeshua is in all of our hearts! The Torah and all the scriptures speak much about our family relationships, and the blessings that come from nurturing and honoring one another in our families. A beautiful passage in Colossians says, “…clothe yourself in tender compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience bearing with one another and forgiving each other …but above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfect harmony.” What better place to walk these values out then in our families!

Millie and I look forward to being back with our Or Chaim family this Shabbat, July 27th! I will be continuing our series with a message entitled Realms of Faith: Hearing, Seeing, Speaking. I guarantee this will be a very practical teaching that we will be able to apply to every facet of our lives! We will also be having a special guest who will be speaking to us during our Oneg, as we welcome Doug Hershey, author of Israel Rising: Ancient Prophesy/Modern Lens. Doug has incredible perspective from years of hands on experience, cultivating unique relationships in Israel and his love for history! He is also founder of Ezra Adventures, an Israel focused travel and education company. He will share for a few minutes in our morning service, and in our fellowship room from about 1pm-2:30. He will also be sharing during an evening gathering at the Larsen’s home at 6:30pm. Their address is: 117 S. Rogers way, Golden, 80401. All are invited!

I want to encourage everyone to bring some food to our Oneg, since it is a pot-luck, and stick around for Doug’s sharing and enjoy the fellowship with the family! This is going to be a really great service!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom,

Stewart and Millie
