Shabbat 8/3/2019
/Shabbat Shalom!
From the very first pages of the Bible, we see God’s plan for order, harmony, and blessing in His creation, and that the center of that was to be the family. He places us in family to be his representatives to all of creation! We have our natural families that we are born in to, and then our Spiritual family that we need to be born again into. Over the past two weeks we have experienced that blessing from both our earthly as well as our heavenly family and Millie and I, as well as entire Lewis family want to thank all of you for the care, love and compassion you have shown to us! As you can imagine, it has been hard dealing with the loss of Isaac but we will all walk through this with His grace knowing that He is good, and He is good all the time! All of you are invited to a CELEBRATION OF LIFE FOR ISAAC LEWIS, on Monday August 5th at 3pm, at CHURCH IN THE CITY/BETH ABRAHAM 1580 N.GAYLORD STREET, DENVER 80206.
This Shabbat, August 3rd at 10:30am, we will welcome Tony and Orna Sprendeo from Kfar Saba, Israel! This dynamic couple pioneered HaMaayan (“the well spring”) Messianic Congregation in1989, shortly after Tony immigrated to the Land from France. They have an incredible love for their people and a passion to share the good news to Jews and Arabs in their city, and around Israel. They also have a heart for the unborn, and have been in the forefront of the Right To Life movement in Israel, as well as serving the orphans and widows as the Scriptures command. Many of us have met them as we have travelled to the land, and we are sure you will be blessed to hear their hearts this Shabbat! We will have a pot-bless Oneg following the service, so bring a dish to share and stick around to meet Tony and Orna and enjoy the fellowship with the family!
Next weekend, August 9-11, along with Gateway On Mt.Zion, we will be hosting the ONE CONFERENCE: A MANIFESTATION OF ONE ACCORDon the Mountain, 166 S.Lookout Mt. Road, Golden 80401! PAUL WILBUR AND RON CANTOR, will minister on Friday the 9th at 6:30pm, and both will join with our Shabbat Service on the morning of the 10th at 10:30am. Paul will be ministering on Saturday evening at 6:30pm and again during the GOMZ Sunday morning service on the 11th at 10am. This will be a glorious weekend of worship, prophetic impartation and exaltation of our King from the Mountain! ALL ARE WELCOME, SO INVITE YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY TO THIS EVENT, BUT WE WOULD ENCOURAGE YOU TO ARRIVE EARLY TO ALL THE SERVICES IN ORDER TO GET A SEAT! WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU ALL THERE!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie