Shabbat 6/27/2020
/Shabbat Shalom Mishpacha!
At the beginning of this year, I believe I had an impression from The Lord to “Linger a little longer.” Who would have thought six months later that the USA would look so much different than it did a while ago! This has caused me to linger a little longer in His Presence to try to get a handle on things and learn how to respond to His kingdom purposes instead of reacting to the chaos all around us. I am filled with His Shalom and sense that this a time of re-awakening, re-focusing and a time of re-filling as we are in a season of incredible disruption, but at the same time renewing our trust in the Rock who cannot be shaken! As the old Carpenters' song of 1970 reminds us, “It’s Only Just Begun.”
Last Shabbat we had a wonderful time in His presence as the glory of God fell in our midst, and I wasn’t even able to share my message! I will gladly allow myself to be ‘pre-empted’ by Holy Spirit anytime! This week, God willing, I will share a message connecting the three major ‘Feasts of The Lord’ with the Tabernacle in the wilderness. Everything God does has purpose, not just for the people of Israel in that day, but for us today. When we understand this and see that these times are not random but for all of us today, greater ‘wells’ of blessing will be opened to us! WE WILL ALSO BE HONORED TO WELCOME MESSIANIC JEWISH RECORDING ARTIST CARLOS PERDOMO! HE WILL BE LEADING OUR WORSHIP AND YOU WILL SENSE AN INCREDIBLE ANOINTING ON THIS MAN, AS HE HAS ACCOMPANIED PAUL WILBUR AND HAS TRAVELLED EXTENSIVELY AROUND THE WORLD. All are welcome and we will take a love offering for Carlos! Again, we will not have an Oneg following the service but all are welcome to bring a picnic lunch and eat outside at the tables.
Remember that we are still wanting to be wise in our social interactions and ask that if you are sick or have a fever, please stay home. There are plenty of seats in the sanctuary, as well as downstairs, so we can spread out and be comfortable. Face coverings are not required, but recommended and if you don’t have one, we can give you one. The main thing is we just want to come together and worship the God of the universe and desire His Presence more than anything else!
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Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie
Guest Worship Artist Carlos Perdomo