Shabbat July 11, 2020
/Shabbat Shalom!
As summer kicks in and we begin to emerge from an enforced quarantine, it is time to enjoy the outdoors and fire up the grills! The other day Walter and I went on a hike by Evergreen and huffed and puffed our way (mostly me!) up the mountain and it felt so good. It was also a great time of worship and praise and talking with the Father! Thank you all for praying for Millie and the team that were on “assignment” at Mount Rushmore. They had significant times of prayer in specific places related to the history of this nation, and had some great divine encounters along the way.
This Shabbat, July 11th, One of our Or Chaim shamashim (deacons), Kent Brown will be bringing the message. Kent is an outstanding teacher and makes the Word come alive! The presence of God has been very powerful in our midst, and I want to encourage you to come on out and join us! Next Shabbat, July 18th we will welcome Messianic worship artist Ted Pearce to our Congregation! That evening we will have a combined Havdalah/New Moon celebration at Tom and Mary Westendorf’s farm in Watkins. It has been a long time since we have had one and it is time! All are welcome and bring the family, the address/directions and what kind of food to bring will be sent out soon.
As the “whirlwind” of societal chaos and shouted hatred continues in our nation unabated, we should take comfort in Paul’s words “But in all these things we are more than conquerers through HIM who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life … nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Messiah Yeshua our Lord!” An exhortation to all of us during this present insanity is to keep our focus on our King, keep our ears in tune to His Kingdom plans and purposes and love one another with Yeshua’s love!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
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Stewart and Millie