Shabbat 8/22/2020

Shabbat Shalom Mispacha!

Family…That is in fact what we are. Not because of our natural birth parents, but because of a COVENANTAL RELATIONSHIP that we have been grafted into through the blood of Yeshua (Jesus) which connects me way back to the promises of Abraham! COVENANT… A word we hear and may have a vague understanding of but in many ways don’t enjoy it’s benefits because it has lost all meaning in this day of lawlessness (Torah-lessness). This Shabbat, August 22nd, I will be sharing a message UNLOCKING OUR DESTINY FOR US AND OUR FAMILY where we will explore the nature and some of the characteristics of covenant. While preparing for this message I was taken aback by how far we have wandered from the Biblical foundations that promise if we walk in them there are wonderful promises of blessing and abundance! Simon Obert will be leading worship! It will be powerful.

Following the service at 3:30pm, our friend Jeremy who has the heart to reach the Jewish community with good news will be meeting at 1700 N. Sheridan Bl., 80212 (Sloans Lake) for an outreach. This is one of the older Jewish neighborhoods in the city. Come on out as there will be music and an opportunity for Messianic dance so if you are available, all are welcome!  The times we are living in require our response to be bold in our witness!

On Sunday August 23rd, the Colorado Messianic Women's Fellowship will have their quarterly meeting at Cushing Park. The address is 700 W. Dartmouth Ave. Englewood 80110, and will be from 1-4pm. Ladies, come on out and get to know other Messianic ladies in the community, worship together and hear an inspiring word from Carole Urbas! Bring your own lunch and drink. Also, all are invited to join us for prayer at the State Capitol on Mondays at 6pm. These have been powerful times of prayer, proclamation and worship as we gather to pray for our city and nation as well as unity within the body of Messiah! Folks from other churches and congregations have been joining us on this assignment. God is moving!! Let’s reach our city by changing the spiritual atmosphere!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie 


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