Shabbat 8/29/2020
/Shabbat Shalom!
We are in the month of Elul. Traditionally, a time of preparing our hearts for the Days of Awe, the 10 days between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur where we focus on intimacy and abiding with The King. We hear the sound of the Shofar as the King is in the field, and many utilize this season for intensive prayer, repentance and fasting. I do sense that God is moving in a big way. Monday while we were praying at the Capitol, a lady I had never met from another church told me that just that morning The Lord spoke to her to come to the Capitol at 6pm! The words to her were “Let God arise”, and as she arrived at the Capitol, that very song was being played as we were worshipping on the steps! This is not coincidence or random but Father awakening His body to take action and to be bold in proclaiming the Good news and His Shalom in our communities! Come out and join us every Monday evenings at 6pm.
This Shabbat, August 29th, we will be gathering ‘on the mountain’ to worship Yeshua and encourage one another. I will be sharing a message about “Crossing Over”, as we further explore our covenant relationship with God and how we live in it today. We will be celebrating The Lord’s Table during the service so lets prepare our hearts as we proclaim our union with Him! We will be doing this in an appropriate and sanitized way if you are concerned.
The Fall Feasts are swiftly approaching! Erev Yom Teruah (Rosh HaShana) begins Friday evening, September 18th, and we will be having a special service at 6:30pm! We will also be meeting for our normal Shabbat Service on the morning of the19th. Our services are open to all, so invite your neighbors and friends to hear the meaning of these special ‘Mo’adim’ (appointed times), and enter into the new year of 5781 with the Mishpacha! We will be sending out more information for the rest of the holidays in the next week.
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie
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The king is in the field are you with him! Elul im my beloveds and he is mine!