Succoth2020 Shabbat and Campout
/Succoth at the Farm 2020
We are planning to celebrate Succoth at the Westendorf Farm this year. Of course, we will be sharing our Friday night opening service with Roeh Israel at their facility at 8556 E. Warren Avenue in Denver. 5pm decorate their Succah, 5:30 hot dog dinner with fellowship and 7pm service begins.
We will be holding our Shabbat service at 11:30 am on Saturday, October 3, at the “outdoor church” of Rob and Dena Pavletic, 970 S. Bonnie Lane (below their Triple D Ranch). This is located two places north and on the opposite side of the road from the Westendorfs. Turn left into the driveway and follow the trail all the way down to the area by the creek. You will have to park and walk across the foot bridge. Please bring your camp chairs for the service. Only an outhouse will be available during the service – this is truly rustic, but a very serene area.
Following the service, we will convene at the Westendorf Farm, 1029 S. Bonnie Lane, to enjoy brunch and fellowship and begin the week’s festivities. Decorating the Succah and setting up camp will be a fun family time. We ask that you bring whatever you can to share for the week’s meals. We will place a basket in the kitchen, so you can feel free to share in the expense of what is provided for you, but food contributions are appreciated. We will take turns helping in the kitchen with meals and clean up. If you do not wish to join the rest of us for a meal, we respect your need to have some time to yourself. We ask that you let Mary know which meals you will be eating the following day, so we can plan our menu amounts. We will try to keep meals simple and will post the week’s menu for you to see. If you have something you’d like to furnish for a meal, just let Mary know when you RSVP, so she can plan accordingly.
We will have a Havdalah service Saturday evening. You are welcome to bring music and your sound system to help us keep the atmosphere filled with praise during the week. We would love to have musical instruments, too, and of course, flags!
For our planning, We need to know how many people to expect, especially for camping. There are outlets on the shop and in the house that you can use. Also, the Pavletics have graciously offered their 2 small buildings at the creek if tents and campers aren’t your thing. Call or text Mary at 720-231-8505 before Wednesday, September 30, to ensure a spot.
Wear your old shoes – this is a farm. You may bring a few carrots for the horses if you want to be their eternal friends.
Prayerfully we get some rain between now and then, so we can have a firepit fire. Please bring your kosher marshmallows, chocolate bars and graham crackers to share. There will be some utensils, but probably not enough.
The attached page lists the needs for this event to be successful.
We plan to clean up the buildings by the creek, put up the Succah and pray over the farm and creek area next week (day and time TBD). If you’re interested in helping, please call or text Mary Westendorf at 720-231-8505. We can’t do this alone – we’re not 18 anymore!
Items We Will Need
Card tables/chairs
Games/crafts to share
Toilet paper
Heavy electrical cords
String lights
Music and sound system
Towels/washcloths for yourself
S’Mores fixin’s
Water – we have purified water, so you can fill in the house if you have a water bottle
Your favorite creamer to share
Juices or other drinks to share for meals
Plastic cups/paper plates/plastic ware
Food for the pot
Please call Mary with menu ideas. We’re flying by the seat of our pants at this point.
This is the first time we have done this, so please extend us some grace. We know if we all work together, we can make it truly special. Abba has already told us this is going to be a special time of healing and restoration. We live in a neighborhood in which everyone is not a believer, so please be cognizant of showing them the love of the Father!
Let’s have fun as a family and enjoy our Abba under the Succah and the stars together!