Shabbat Yom Kippur 2020 & THE RETURN

L’Shana Tova and Chag Sameach!

This is an amazing time of the year! The High Holidays between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur, the 10 days of awe and what I believe to be open heavens that are so significant in God’s kingdom calendar. We entered into this appointed time last Friday evening with a wonderful and impactful night of blowing Shofarot signaling new things and announcing the Presence of The Lord as we worshipped the King! We joined with Gateway On Mount Zion for this service and it was so powerful!

This Shabbat, September 26th, Or Chaim will not be having their normal morning service, but will be joining with and connecting to The Return, a national and global event being broadcast from the Nation’s Capital, Washington D.C. You are all invited to our Lookout Mountain sanctuary between 7am-7pm for a time of national repentance, prayer and celebration marking 40 days before the elections on November 3rd. The Lord has put it on my heart (Stewart) to attend the event, so pray for me as I fly out on Friday with my son Brian and return Sunday morning. Our leadership, along with Gateway On Mount Zion, will be coming together as we simulcast this important event from the Sanctuary! Come and stay for the whole event or just come for as long as you can. Feel free to bring your lunch and water or drink to eat in the beautiful outdoor patio area.

On Sunday September 27th at 6pm we will enter into the Holiest day of he year, Yom KippurWE WILL BE HAVING OUR YOM KIPPUR KOL NIDRE SERVICE ON THE MOUNTAIN, ALL ARE WELCOME! This is a special time of personal and corporate repentance, breaking of worldly vows and honoring Yeshua (Jesus) as our perfect atonement. This is a solemn and beautiful gathering as we prepare to enter into the Fast. On Monday September 28th at 6pm, we will gather together to close out Yom Kippur and break the fast with a meal together! We will be gathering at the home of Patricia DeLeon, 10578 Ouray Street, Commerce City, 80022This is always a wonderful and special time of fellowship and thanksgiving as we read the Book of Jonah and join in a meal together. Please bring either a main dish, a side or a salad or dessert!  All are welcome!

As you can see, this is a busy time of the year with all kinds of special days. And we aren’t through yet, because Succoth is just around the corner! At this point we are planning on having joint Erev Succoth together with Congregation Roeh Israel at their Shul, on Friday evening October 2nd. We will send more information about Succoth in the next week. We are planning on having our Shabbat morning service at the Westendorf’s farm on October 3rd! These are not just services to observe Biblical events, but special loading times of meeting with our Heavenly Father and being refreshed by Him. They are appointed times that God Himself has designated to meet with His “Called Out Ones”, so that we can hear His heart and be prepared for the upcoming season. Please join with us during these days and just as importantly, be faithful in meeting with The King in your own homes with your families as we live these extraordinary days!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom,

Stewart and Millie


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