Shabbat 4/17/2021
/Shabbat Shalom!
What I love about living in Colorado is that you have such a variety of weather! Just a few days ago, we were enjoying 70 degree weather and last night and this morning we have about 8 inches of snow where we live! AS OF NOW, WE ARE STILL PLANNING ON HAVING SHABBAT SERVICE TOMORROW, APRIL 17TH! If conditions worsen we will try to communicate later tonight, either way, we want you to use wisdom in your driving.
I’m sure you have heard the statement “God loves you and has a plan for your life”, right? Well even though it sounds kind of like a corny cliche (an overused one at that!) it is still so very true. I will be sharing a message about the indispensable part we all play in His plans and how we are to engage in them. How many times do we have a really awesome vision or idea, and then ask God to bless our plan? Maybe we should discern His purposes and goals for planet earth and partner with Him to see His goal of ‘Tikkun Olam’ (restoration or repairing the world) come to pass! I don’t know about you, but I think being part of what God is doing will bring greater blessing and fulfillment than my puny ideas!
Some upcoming events at Or Chaim: The Colorado Messianic Women’s Fellowship quarterly meeting will be Sunday April 25th from 2-5pm at The Dwelling Place in Golden.
The National Day of Prayer will be at the State Capitol on Thursday May 6th from 11am-2pm. More information will be provided for this but we want to encourage all to participate in this important event!
The Rabbi’s Son, Bill Bullock will be with us at Or Chaim on May 15 and on the 16 we will continue as we join with Castlewood Canyon Church for a wonderful celebration of Shavuot! More information will be coming.
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie
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