Shabbat April 10, 2021

Shalom Mishpacha!

The older I get, the more I think about an inescapable truth that all of us must bow to: Time marches on, it is inevitable in it’s effects on our bodies and our abilities, and God desires to use it to mold us into the image of Yeshua. If we approach time in a Biblical perspective, it is a slice of eternity that Father has gifted us with to partner with him for His eternal purposes. In other words, we can either dread the passage of time or redeem the time and be used by God to be part of bringing blessing and hope in an evil time! This Shabbat April 10th I will be continuing a message entitled GOD’S USE OF TIME IN OUR LIVES that will help us and encourage us to use the time we have have to make a difference for the kingdom! Come on up to the mountain, spend the day with family and let us exalt Yeshua as One New Man!

Some things to mark on your calendar: The Colorado Messianic Women’s Fellowship will be on Sunday April 25th at The Dwelling Place in Golden. This is a great opportunity for ladies to worship together and be challenged in the Word and of course enjoy fellowship and fun with other ladies. Also, on May 15th and 16th we will welcome The Rabbi’s Son, Bill Bullock for this Shavuot weekend. He will be with us on Shabbat for the morning service at 10:30am and an afternoon session. We are planning (weather permitting) for a picnic “Oneg” between sessions. On Sunday the 16th, we will gather at Castlewood Canyon Church, 389 N Castlewood Canyon Rd, Franktown at 10am. ALL ARE WELCOME TO THIS SPECIAL TIME AND THERE IS NO COST! We will take up a love offering for Bill. During our services.

This is a great TIME that Father has put us into His handiwork called Planet Earth! Even in the midst of outright insanity and a world in seemingly endless chaos, God will do what he does and His purposes will be fulfilled! Be Encouraged!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

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