Or Chaim Congregation

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Shabbat April 3, 2021

Shabbat Shalom!

Last week we celebrated Passover and a wonderful time was had by all who attended the various Seders! Now we are in the Biblical time of the Counting of the Omer, leading up to Shavuot (Pentecost). This is not just a “religious thing” that has lost it’s meaning over the millennium, but a tangible working out of God’s calendar in anticipation of His great outpouring (Acts 2) , and even today it is a season of increased intercession, and crying out to Father for more of His presence and power! I don’t know about you, but Millie and I sense that we are not just going to ‘hear’ about what God is going to do, but we will actually see and experience His purposes being fulfilled! In the mean time, we press in, with ears that are in tune with His Spirit and hearts that are ready to embrace His presence and move forward.

This Shabbat April 3rd (do you believe we are in April already?), I Stew will be starting a series about God’s purposes in revival, and some of what this thing called revival really is, and some of what it is not. I am really excited about this. I had the privilege of being part of a revival at its beginning stages and I hunger for it right here where we live! This will be an important series of teachings and want to encourage all of you to come on out this Shabbat. The word “revival” is from the Hebrew word chayah and means “to bring back to life,” to “restore to consciousness,” or to “restore to a previous condition. As stated in the Bible, it means a restoration, rejuvenation, or renewal of interest after spiritual neglect, oblivion, or obscurity.

We usually have our Men’s meeting on the first Sunday of the month but since this Sunday is ‘Resurrection’ Sunday, we will cancel the meeting and will meet on May 2nd.

LADIES: THE NEXT QUARTERLY COLORADO MESSIANIC WOMENS FELLOWSHIP WILL BE SUNDAY, APRIL 25TH FROM 2PM-5PM AT “THE DWELLING PLACE” IN GOLDEN! THE ADDRESS IS: 16800 W 9TH, GOLDEN 80401. All women invited…invite a neighbor or friend and bring a snack! Worship, Fellowship, Dance and Encouragement!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie



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