Shavuot Special Shabbat 5/15/2021
/Shalom Everyone,
Once again, rockets are being fired from Gaza into the heart of Israel. Israelis are spending sleepless nights in bomb shelters and narrow hallways as air raid sirens are sounding. Houses are being indiscriminately bombed with innocent people being injured and killed from Ashdod and Ashkelon to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem and the surrounding towns. This is nothing new for the Middle East and Israel, Millie and I lived in the land during the second Intifada and the Lebanon war of 2006, but coming on the heels of pandemic shutdowns and a global disruption, this seems more dangerous. The Hebrew word for ‘violence and wrongdoing ‘ is ‘Hamas’ and is first used in Genesis 6:11:"NOW THE EARTH WAS RUINED BEFORE GOD, AND THE EARTH WAS FILLED WITH VIOLENCE (HAMAS)”. As we approach the festival of Shavuot when we remember the faithfulness of our God in giving us His word and His Ruach (Spirit), let us pray for the His Shalom in the land and His protection over His covenant people! I am not surprised by any of this, as we increase the level of prayer and intercession, the prince of this world will try to ‘counterattack’ to discourage us. Don’t give up, press in and keep crying out to the King of Kings for His purposes to prevail at this time!
This is a very special weekend as we celebrate Shavuot, along with Castlewood Canyon Church! Actually, I have been invited by Father Phil Eberhart of Rez Anglican Church to lead an Erev Shabbat service on Friday, May 14th at 7pm!, Bill Bullock will be sharing that evening and it will be an awesome time of worship and prayer and of course, all are welcome. The address is: 9250 E. Belleview Ave, Greenwood Village, 80111. On Shabbat May 15th we will be meeting at 10:30am at Or Chaim, 166 S. Lookout Mt. Rd. Golden, 80401, and will have a special service with The Rabbi’s Son Bill Bullock and his colleague Tony Young. The theme for the weekend is: Strategies for Re-introducing Hope, Healing and Shalom Back into a Shattered and Angry World. After the morning session, we will have a lunch break and we encourage you to bring a picnic lunch, and you can eat outside on the beautiful grounds of the church, or go to nearby Bergen Park to grab a bite. We will have an afternoon session beginning at approximately 2:30pm and finishing by 4pm. On Sunday May 16th at 10am we will gather at Castlewood Canyon Church; 389 Castlewood Canyon Rd, Franktown, 80116. Bill and Tony will continue their teaching. All are invited to these services and we will take love offering on both days!
As you can see, this is going to be a very exciting weekend! Shavuot is an ‘Appointed Time’ where Father desires to meet with His children and we sense that He wants to speak some very important things to us! The world has become even more dangerous, and He wants to equip us to navigate things and also to let us know “… HE’S GOT IT!”Shalom and Blessings!Stewart and Millie
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