Shabbat 5/8/2021
/Shabbat Shalom!
You have probably heard the terms “shift” or “atmospheric change” over the last few years in regards to spiritual and cultural issues. I do believe that there have been some major events recently that would validate the use of those terms and if we look with kingdom eyesight we can see that change is happening. Let me give a few personal examples to help illustrate: recently as myself and others have intentionally gone out to share about Yeshua (Jesus) to others, I have sensed a greater receptivity than in the past. Folks who had been turned off to religion and church are increasingly becoming interested in the PERSON of Yeshua. Also, the importance of prayer and intercession and engaging in “Spiritual warfare" for our families, cities and nation have become more of a priority. For instance, yesterday as we gathered at the State Capitol for the National Day of Prayer there was an urgency and a passion, even in many of the State legislators, for divine intervention, more than I’ve ever seen before! These elected officials were in many cases pleading for the Church to arise and pray for them! There was a strong sense in the many people that gathered on those steps that we all need to be more intentional in crying out for Righteousness and Justice to prevail in every aspect of our lives! Millie and I want to thank all of you who came out in support of this event, it was powerful!
This Shabbat May 8th, I will be continuing my series on God’s eternal purposes and focus on the Bride with a messageentitled A MARRIAGE MADE IN HEAVEN! No, I won’t be talking about my marriage to Millie although it was made in heaven, but I will talk about some unique characteristics of the Triune God and how we were created to interact with each person of the Trinity! Come on out this Shabbat and enjoy the Mishpacha and also the presence of Adonai! His presence has been powerful during our worship and awesome things are taking place as we allow Him to overwhelm us in precious ways!
Remember, next weekend May 15th and 16th we will be welcoming Bill Bullock of The Rabbi’s Son Ministry to celebrate Shavuot! He will be with us on the mountain, 166 S. Lookout Mountain Road, Golden, all day Shabbat May 15th. Our morning service begins at 10:30am and we encourage everyone to bring a picnic style lunch, and we will have an afternoon session following the lunch break. Guests are certainly welcome as Bill is an incredible and inspiring teacher! We will take up a love offering for his ministry. On Sunday May 16thwe will be with Bill again as he will be sharing at Castlewood Canyon Church, 389 Castlewood Canyon Rd. Franktown, 80116. The service there will begin at 10am, and of course all are welcome for this service!
Can’t wait to see you all! These days are so significant and so necessary for us to be gathering together, for as the writer of Hebrews says “… and all the more as you see the DAY approaching.”
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie
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