Shabbat July 31st Guest Speaker from Israel Chaim Malespin
You may not know this, but we are within 40 days of the Fall Mo’adim (Appointed Times)! With all that is happening in the world, not just things I can see with the natural eyes but as I view things through a Biblical and kingdom perspective, my ‘kishkas” (inner man) tells me to expect extraordinary events will take place. I have not been labeled or put in the office of a prophet or seer, but I do read my Bible and pray for His Kingdom to come, and have a strong sense that ‘Suddenlies' are going to be happening in families and on a national and international level in the next days and weeks. At times do I prophesy and see things as revealed by the RUACH HaKodesh so, be encouraged, don’t fear, keep on praying and believing (Luke 18:1) and walk in expectation and hope that God will do some amazing things!
This Shabbat July 31st we will be welcoming a young man that we have known for many years from Israel. Chaim Malespin is a Congregational leader and director of Aliyah Return Center in Tiberius. An extraordinary man of passion and vision, who desires to serve his people in the most unique and practical loving ways. Millie and I have grown to love this man since we met him and his family many years ago when we all first moved to the land. This will be great service to invite your children and their friends to hear Chaim’s perspective on what God is restoring in Israel and the nations as he delivers a “boots on the ground” insightful message.
As we have been doing this summer, bring a picnic lunch to share after the service and hang with Chaim and the Mishpacha for a bit!
Here are some important events coming to Or Chaim:
-This Saturday July 31stGateway On Mt. Zion has invited us to partner with them for an outreach at the State Capitol between 2:30-6pm, GATHER ON THE WEST STEPS!
-Sunday August 1st is our monthly men’s meeting from 10-12noon at Jason’s home, 21764 Turkey Creek Rd. Morrison, 80465
-Sunday August 8th Ted Pearce will be ministering at Castlewood Canyon Church in Franktown at 10am, ALL ARE INVITED!
-Shabbat August 14th and Sunday the 15th, Paul Wilbur will be with us all weekend!
As you can see, with summer in high gear there is much happening and much to look forward to! We look forward to seeing all of you and sharing in the awesome things God will be doing over the next days and weeks, and as the writer of Hebrews says: “And let us consider how to stir up one another in love and good deeds … and all the more so as you see the Day approaching.”
Be Blessed and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie
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